The Warrior Meets the King for a 2-Year Reboot of Your Gemini Sky!

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We are coming into a beautiful conjunction between Mars and Jupiter on August 14th where you can tap the courage of your convictions and move into authentic expression of fortunate action. The conjunction of Jupiter and Mars in the sign of Gemini occurs in rare cycles, last seen in 1942 and 1989. We will not seen this cycle again until 2060. We will discuss how this energy in the Gemini part of your natal sky will impact you over the next two years and how you can harness this energy to take bold prosperous action in your life. Listen to your risnig sign most accurate followed by sun and moon. #lunaticastrology #mars #jupiter #marsjupiterconjunction #allsigns

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⭐ Lori's Recommended Resources:
The Archetypal Universe, Renn Butler
The Book of the Moon, Steven Forrest
The Sabian Symbols, Diana E. Roche
The Horary Textbook, John Frawley
Mythos, Stephen Fry
Pushing through Time: Synodic Cycles and their Developing Phases, George Stathis

* All content on this channel is for entertainment purposes only. These forecasts do not in any way constitute or replace professional legal, financial, medical, or other advice of any kind whatsoever.

Intro: 00:00
Mars Jupiter placements in August sky: 03:30
Cycles of Mars Jupiter conjunction in Gemini: 04:24
Possible themes for conjunction in August 2024: 08:00
Sign/Planet placement and how it will impact you: 11:05
Focus for your sign: 39:52
Archetype Jupiter Mars energy: 14:25
Sky Picture: 19:03
Asteroid Volcano and Nessus: 20:59
Iran/Israel: 21:51
Biden/Netanyahu: 24:50
Mars Jupiter two year re set cycles in other signs: 26:31
Focus for your sign: 39:52
Aries: 40:45
Taurus: 44:33
Gemini: 46:32
Cancer: 48:56
Leo: 51:49
Virgo: 55:21
Libra: 59:00
Scorpio: 1:02:25
Sagittarius: 1:05:58
Capricorn: 1:09:39
Aquarius: 1:12:28
Pisces: 1:16:59
Рекомендации по теме

Intro: 00:00
Mars Jupiter placements in August sky: 03:30
Cycles of Mars Jupiter conjunction in Gemini: 04:24
Possible themes for conjunction in August 2024: 08:00
Sign/Planet placement and how it will impact you: 11:05
Focus for your sign: 39:52
Archetype Jupiter Mars energy: 14:25
Sky Picture: 19:03
Asteroid Volcano and Nessus: 20:59
Iran/Israel: 21:51
Biden/Netanyahu: 24:50
Mars Jupiter two year re set cycles in other signs: 26:31
Focus for your sign: 39:52
Aries: 40:45
Taurus: 44:33
Gemini: 46:32
Cancer: 48:56
Leo: 51:49
Virgo: 55:21
Libra: 59:00
Scorpio: 1:02:25
Sagittarius: 1:05:58
Capricorn: 1:09:39
Aquarius: 1:12:28
Pisces: 1:16:59


pregnant with twins in 1989 😂, became single mother, broke and working 2 jobs. "Career momentum and success" this time around! for sure!


I was 12 years old in 1989. Around the late summer, my mother moved us from Savannah, GA to DC. I always telll on folks that’s when my life began…at age 12. I’m so grateful to have grown up in a place like DC. I was a powerhouse in school, established a strong sense of style, and developed an open and wide view of the world.

This is definitely a reset for me this year, as it is a 1 personal year for me in numerology. I’m literally rebuilding my life after exiting a narcissistic abuse marriage of 20 years. I’m 14 degrees Gemini sun. My sun is natally in my 8H. However, I’m 16 degrees Libra rising so the transit is touching my 9H. My arms are open to all the good coming my way in that part of my sky.


Left my husband taking nothing but my 4 yr old and my co outer. Moved back to my homeland. This time around, several marriages and countries later, going back to uni aged 62. New career and life on the horizon 👍😀


Great reading. At 63 years of age, I'm a tad tired of the constant angst and ego around the world. It'd be nice to experience true peace.


Cancer rising here ...just starting a reset in my life getting rid of toxic people in my life


✨✨Gemini: Sun (11°), Rising, Venus and Mercury✨✨ Looking forward to these positive shifts. God knows it’s been too much to bear this last decade.


I was child in 89 knocking down the Berlin Now I’m in MS helping women break free!! God bless you as He’s blessed me💕


Love your readings! I’m a Sun Virgo, full moon Pisces, Libra rising, Venus in Scorpio and a progressed scorpion rising.

In the last 3 weeks, my daughter and son’s gf shared they are both having a baby and both due dates are in the same month! I’m a very spiritual person and I’m a director in a spiritual centre and I’m getting ready to launch a project that was building up since 2021 that leads to changes and deeper connections and healing. Super exciting!


Gemini rising!! I am physically, emotionally and psychologically tired of my job. I need a break through


I was born in february 1944 and my father joined the Navy and left for the Pacific conflict. My Mars in Gemini is at 15degrees. In 1989, my husband left for a new job in a different city and I decided not to accompany him. We separated and My daughter graduated from high school and left to travel in Europe. She was at the Berlin wall with a hammer when it came down. She still has that chunk of wall! She is a Gemini rising. So this is my 3rd Jupiter Mars conjunction in Gemini in my 9th house. I can't see career change at this age but I just moved out of California to Hawaii to be with that daughter and grand daughter now.


I was born in April 1989 with Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. Can’t wait what is going to happen this time. Very exciting times!


I'm an Aquarius sun and Taurus ascendant. I got married in 1989. I had a premature baby boy in 1990 13 Aug. I had pre eclampsia and I died on the table and I was resuscitated and put on life support for 3 days . I was 22 and I recovered well. It changed me and made me stronger but the medical bills took us years to pay off. My beautiful son had a rough childhood healthwise and battled at school. But now he is really good.


Thank you Lori! I, like many other viewers, enjoyed your reference to the last Jupiter Mars conjunction in Gemini in 1989....and how it impacts each of the took lots of notes....and amazed at recurring themes! Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts ❤


Hey Lorie. I just came onto your video, so I haven't heard it all yet. But I wanted say that you were spot on with your prediction of Tim Walz. You are incredible. I find myself only wanting to tune into you and not other astrologers I had been listening to also. The government should hire you as their personal astrologer! Thanks again for everything.


In 1989 I was 10 years old. At that time I was living in Romania and the Ceaușescu regime was coming to its end.


i was 7 in 1989, moved to into a foster family with my sisters in a foreign country.leo sun and libra rising so on pointtt.cause i planing to purchase a van to move tour round the world with my daughters.wating for my personal year number 3 to begin in october .all is aligning


Congrats with your publishing agent!!! Bless you girly 😍


Wonderful news and video, thank you so much! I had a major wonderful event in 1991, I became Miss Mexico, so I´m hoping it's a new wonderful time for me after so many years of a deep dark night of the soul, (Sun in Capricorn) this brings me hope, thank you!🙏🏻🥹😍😘


Thank you, Lori. I am an Aries (Virgo rising)... I LOVE your Aries courageousness and determination to speak your truth and stand on your convictions. Thank you so much!!!! I am with you!