President Donald Trump Lauds His 'Incredible Four Years' in Farewell Speech

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Donald Trump gave his last speech as U.S. President at Joint Base Andrews Wednesday, leaving behind a legacy of chaos and tumult and a nation bitterly divided.

"This has been an incredible four years," he said. "We have accomplished so much together."

Joined by his wife Melania on stage before a group of supporters and his immediate family, Trump touted his achievements with the military and the health of the American economy.

Trump will be the first president in modern history to boycott his successor's inauguration as he continues to stew about his loss and privately maintains the election that President-elect Joe Biden fairly won was stolen from him.

Republican officials in several critical states, members of his own administration and a wide swath of judges, including those appointed by Trump, have rejected those arguments.

Trump departed the office twice impeached, with millions more out of work and 400,000 dead from the coronavirus.

Republicans under his watch lost the presidency and both chambers of Congress. He will be forever remembered for the final major act of his presidency: inciting an insurrection at the Capitol that left five dead, including a Capitol Police officer, and horrified the nation.

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You can not shame a shameless person!!!! “Bye Felicia” 🙋🏽‍♂️👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Should change that to 3 very good years then last year that really sucked


only chaos and tumult for the fake news


A malignant narcissist is grandiose, has an inflated sense of accomplishment, an excessive need for admiration, is boastful, hypersensitive to criticism, arrogant, envious, uses deceit, manipulation, transgresses social norms, is vindictive, and lacks moral conscience. 12 for 12.


See you in 2024 you will have a bigger mess than 2016 to clean up
