Rules for Declaring Variables, Identifiers in C Language | Comments in C Programming
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Variables are like boxes that hold information in a program. They can store different types of data, like numbers or text. Identifiers, on the other hand, are names that are given to these variables so they can be easily identified and used in a program.
To declare a variable in C, we have to follow some rules. First, we have to choose a valid identifier name for the variable. This meant using only letters, numbers and underscores and starting the name with a letter or underscore.
Next, we have to specify the data type of the variable. C has several data types, like integers, floats, and characters. We have to choose the appropriate data type for the information we want to store in the variable.
We also have to make sure to initialize the variable, which meant giving it a starting value. If we didn't initialize the variable, it could contain random or undefined data, which could cause problems in the program.
Another rule we have to follow was to declare variables at the beginning of a code block. This helped to organize us code and prevent errors from occurring.
In addition to these rules, we have to remember to use proper syntax when declaring variables and identifiers. This meant using the correct punctuation, such as semicolons and parentheses and following the correct order for declaring variables and specifying their data types.
How to declare variables in C Programming
Identifier Naming rules in C Language
How to comment in C
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