8 Super Weird Things ONLY FEMALE DOGS Do For Their Owner

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Have you ever noticed that your female dog does some super weird things? In this video, we’re uncovering 8 unique behaviors that ONLY female dogs do for their owners. From their longer lifespans to their nesting habits, we’ll explore what makes female dogs so special. You’ll learn why female dogs tend to be calmer and how their reactions to strangers can differ from males. Plus, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of maternal instincts, even in spayed dogs or those that aren’t pregnant.

Join us as we reveal the strange things female dogs do and how these behaviors set them apart. Whether it’s their unique nesting behavior, calm demeanor, or those surprising maternal instincts, there’s so much to discover about female dog habits. This video is perfect for anyone curious about the differences in female dog behavior and why they might be doing these unusual things. Get ready to understand your furry friend on a whole new level!





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🐕‍🦺 CHAPTERS 🐕‍🦺
0:00 Only female dogs will do this
0:21 The stories of Kassy and La China
1:59 Controversial approach to strangers
2:57 Life span
3:40 Priorities
4:31 Finding a partner
5:52 What they see as home
6:29 Seeing phantomes
7:31 Attitude to other females

The information on this YouTube Channel and the resources available are for educational and informational purposes only.
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I had a female Shar Pei, Shani, and as difficult a puppy she was (selfish, aggressive, distrustful of anyone but me lol) she was EXTREMELY protective and territorial of me and our house. She became my service dog when I had a brain injury resulting in seizures and always protected me, almost “putting me to bed” when she felt one coming on. She always made me feel safe and special, even being protective of my mother before she passed from terminal illness. Shani always let me know if my mother needed help or a doctor, it was crazy. She didn’t like strangers or anyone near me, I was HERS lol. She fought off a burglar in my house and never faltered in her ‘duty’ or love for me… She passed about a year ago and I’m still lost without her….she was the best doggo I’ve ever had the privilege of rescuing, bless her heart & rest her beautiful soul.


Always owned female dogs... Its simple... A male dog protects an area/premises/territory, a female dog tends to protects people/friends. Its a generalisation, but has worked for 30 years for me.


There is a neighbor dog (female) who went through a phantom pregnancy when my dog and another equally small dog in the neighborhood were both puppies. She still thinks of them as her babies.


I'm 75. I've had only female dogs in my life (and only male cats). All of them have been left to me and I have never picked out a pet. My current dog (my daughter's) is an Aussie and the most wonderful, sweetest dog I have ever met. Each animal is special, but some are more special than others.


My female German Shepherd was very sceptical of people she didn't know, never aggressive, but just liked to keep a good distance of others. I like to say "window shop" . She was very loving to people she knew well though. She was very protective of the home and she saved me once. Someone was trying to break into our house when I was home alone. Just her and I. I was on the phone with the police. The man got into the garage and thankfully I lock the garage door but she was going crazy and barking with her teeth out and her Mohawk up. She was jumping at the door. I've never seen her like that. Obviously the police told me to let her continue to just do what she wants because she knows. I'm guessing the guy realized that maybe he shouldnt try and get into the house so he left. She was a very quiet a reserved dog who wanted affection from a small group of people and she protected me with everything she had. Sadly we lost her last year.


My female husky when she was alive, used to console me when I'd come home from school depressed by gently climbing onto me and putting her head on my shoulder. My dog gave me a hug when she could see I was at my worst.


I’m a single female, 72. Neither of my current dogs fits the stereotype described here. The girl (Australian Labradoodle-2 1/2 years old) is an absolute bull, constantly in motion and extremely competitive. My boy (Australian Labradoodle- 2 3/4 yrs old) is tender, gentle, calm and reserved. All he wants is to be with me. Best dog I’ve ever had.


I was enjoying my breakfast till the line - the canine messiah - I ended laughing in my coffee and least to say it was time to take a shower. Thank you for the early morning laugh. Good episode once again!


The idea of Phantom Pregnancies explains something a dog I had when I was in college did. Muffin had several squeeky toys, but she wouldn't play with them - she'd just carry them around and cry. I brought this behavior to my mom's attention, and she had the theory that she was treating them like puppies that had been still born. Now that I think of it, her belly had been a bit swolen a while before this happened. It's good to know in case I get another dog in the future.


We had male dogs in my family but for dogs outside my family pets, I've generally found the female dogs friendlier. There was Bama who when I'd see my friend, would block the stoop in the house so I'd have to pet her to get by. There was Bambi, who was very excited to greet me, giving a friendly woof and running towards me from 3 apartment buildings away one time. There was Pepper, a long haired dachshund. She was sweet. One time when the owners were coming in and I was going out, she saw me and immediately rolled on her back so I could give her a belly rub. There was Zoey, a golden retriever. She was a big baby!! One time, she ran up to me in a park and leaned against me. If I moved, I would fall, she would fall or we both would fall. Then she sat on my foot. And then she rolled on her back on my foot!! I gave her a belly rub and she ran off to terrorize some other human. And there was Mitzy, a sweet German Sheppard on my paper route. One day, I did the route with a 100+ temperature. I was miserable and took a break sitting on a snow bank by a house. I felt something at the back of my head. I turned around, it was Mitzy. I gave her a hug and a kiss and went on with my route. She immediately lifted my spirit. I was okay after that.


7:41 I was just at a buddy's house last night when he had his dog's buddies over for a playdate. One of them, an older Pit, wanted to play tug with me, she started play growling, the buddy's dog, a husky mix pup, didn't know the Pit was just playing with the growling. She started barking at her to stop lol. It was the cutest and funniest thing I ever seen


1:55 overboard? The dog's a damn hero


I had a male poodle that lived for 21 years. 77 to 98


We lost our Lottie a few months ago, she was a 14 years old Golden Retriever.
In the past we've always owned boys, but when my mum saw her she instantly fell in love, she was the sweetest gentlest dog I've ever known, you could've trusted her with a new born baby.
She had sassy side to her also, but only to me when I'd attempt to brush or wash her, or tell her to follow my route on the field for her walks, she was extremely independent and if she was going somewhere we were going there.
I still miss her everyday


My female Dachshund had pups and then put a small ceramic duckling into the dog bed with her pups.


There's something special about my female Basset Hound. I'd always owned male Weimaraners but there's something really cute about the female nature of my now 10-year old pet.


Every female dog I've had, the one I now own and family dogs as a kid, are & were always in tune with emotions. Comforting, and being by your side, especially when you weren't feeling well - physically or mentally.


My 2 Labernese and 1 Basset hound are all female. I'm a guy in my 30's, and I love my dogs. Especially my dog Rita, she is always looking for cuddles which I am happy to provide. When Rita (Labernese) plays with Daisy Mae (Basset Hound), they like to tussle alot. I always end up caught in the middle. Kaylee (Labernese) is more reserved. She will sit with my older brother. Daisy Mae is my mom's dog. Love all my dogs.


All of opposite for me. I had 2 male Chows, no puppy bite ever, they were never aggressive toward me or my husband and very quiet. With my current female Chow, 3 years old and still acts like puppy. She is loud, aggressive, barks more often, and her puppy bite started at 7 weeks until she was about 1.5 years before she KIND OF stop. She still grabs with mouth open but not trying to bite. Even the trainer was questioning us if we really wanted her...though with all of that, she is a sweetheart and love to cuddle. I don't have cat, but one of the male loved cat and squirls are welcome in the yard...not so for her, not even butterfly or any bird can be in the yard.


I’ve had many dogs both male and female and the only real consistency I’ve noticed is male dogs tend to be more sensitive and follow closer to us than females, which really contradicts a lot of statements I’ve seen and heard :p I’ve found males to be more affectionate and babyish and tend to flock like sheep, while females I’ve had always minded their business or were more relaxed, didn’t follow us around, etc. Either way i lobe dogs so much 😭
