President Von der Leyen looks ahead to a future with Ukraine!!!

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Thus my first point is indeed – you mentioned it too – ensuring economic security for Ukraine. We made a promise last year – that is stable, predictable financial support. And we have kept this promise. Two weeks ago, we delivered the first tranche of our EUR 18 billion financial assistance for 2023. Overall, the European Union's economic, humanitarian and military support for Ukraine amounts now, since the beginning of the war, to almost EUR 50 billion. It is important for us to give economic security to our friends in Ukraine. We are also helping to ensure the energy security, you mentioned it, too.
Putin's unremitting attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure are targeted. He tries to subject the Ukrainian people to a brutal winter with little heat, power and water. But we are working together tirelessly to restore vital energy infrastructure. It starts in Ukrainians homes. From this week on, indeed, the LED light bulbs are available to Ukrainian citizens at the post office. These are the first batches of the 30 million LED light bulbs we promised. But in fact, I am happy to announce that we can overshoot our goal. We are now able to provide 35 million LED light bulbs. We are delivering equipment to keep the Ukrainian grid functioning and we are making sure that electricity is flowing through the grid, despite the attacks. So it is very hands-on what we do, very practical. Today for example, I can announce that we are providing 2,400 additional generators, they come on top of the 3,000 already delivered since the beginning of the war. And alongside the Member States in the Energy Community, we will make available over EUR 150 million to purchase vital energy equipment for Ukraine. Finally, we are inviting Ukraine to our Energy Platform for joint purchasing of gas. You know the principle: We want to make best use of our joint market power. So we will overcome this winter, dear Volodymyr, and many others to come.
We are also working on the mid and long term of energy. Therefore, together, we start to develop renewable energy sources. You have said recently, Volodymyr, Ukraine intends ‘to become a leader in building modern green energy' – and rightly so. This is the right goal and it is possible to achieve it. Renewables will not only bring clean energy; they will also increase Ukraine's energy security. Because they are home-grown, and because a decentralised energy system is plain and simply safer. So, we are now working on making available significant funding for solar panels that will be deployed across Ukraine. We will call on Member States and trusted partners to join this initiative. The aim is to power public buildings, so to provide stable supplies to hospitals, to fire departments or schools, for instance with these solar panels on the public buildings. And the final element in the energy security: Today, we are signing a Memorandum of Understanding on renewable gases, such as biomethane or hydrogen. So very concrete steps in the direction of Ukraine's green reconstruction.
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