My response to Kevin O’Leary | Shark Tank

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Here is my response to Kevin O’Leary of Shark Tank and his video on me with CNBC Millennial Money - enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
The YouTube Creator Academy:
My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment:
So, let me start by saying this…I’ve been watching the show Shark Tank back when it first came out in 2009. For anyone who isn’t aware what that show is, it’s basically where entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to a group of investors, known as Sharks…and then we get to be the fly on the fall to look into some really bad business ideas, some really genius inventions, and the investor - Kevin O’Leary, always asking for a overly ambitious royalty deal that sends people into tears.
Anyway, I’ve been a big fan of this show and I found it insanely inspirational to see and hear about peoples businesses, the behind the scenes of how it works, and the investor’s criticism that everyone thinks their business is worth way more than it actually is. And, in the back of my mind…I really looked up to the Sharks on the show….to me - they were like the pinnacle of success and what you could achieve with hard work and a good idea.
So, when I found out that Kevin O’Leary was going to react to my episode of Millennial Money…I KNEW I had to react, to Kevin O’Leary, reacting to me. He’s absolutely someone I look up to, and since he’s known a for being the really blunt, mean guy on the show…kinda like the Simon Cowell of business…I knew this was going to be an interesting episode. This is my response.
And Kevin: Would love to collab!
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.
The YouTube Creator Academy:
My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment:
So, let me start by saying this…I’ve been watching the show Shark Tank back when it first came out in 2009. For anyone who isn’t aware what that show is, it’s basically where entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to a group of investors, known as Sharks…and then we get to be the fly on the fall to look into some really bad business ideas, some really genius inventions, and the investor - Kevin O’Leary, always asking for a overly ambitious royalty deal that sends people into tears.
Anyway, I’ve been a big fan of this show and I found it insanely inspirational to see and hear about peoples businesses, the behind the scenes of how it works, and the investor’s criticism that everyone thinks their business is worth way more than it actually is. And, in the back of my mind…I really looked up to the Sharks on the show….to me - they were like the pinnacle of success and what you could achieve with hard work and a good idea.
So, when I found out that Kevin O’Leary was going to react to my episode of Millennial Money…I KNEW I had to react, to Kevin O’Leary, reacting to me. He’s absolutely someone I look up to, and since he’s known a for being the really blunt, mean guy on the show…kinda like the Simon Cowell of business…I knew this was going to be an interesting episode. This is my response.
And Kevin: Would love to collab!
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.