ZWO Seestar S50 Full Review | High Point Scientific

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The ZWO Seestar S50 Smart Telescope combines a telescope, electric focuser, astronomy camera, and ASIAIR controller into one unit! We’re so excited to put this innovative smart telescope to the test. Let’s see how it performs!

00:00 Introduction
01:25 What's In The Box
02:17 Scenery
03:05 Solar
03:53 Lunar
04:37 Planetary
05:43 Deep Space
07:52 Final Result: The Pacman Nebula
08:24 Who Is This Telescope For?
09:09 Seestar Smartphone App
12:32 Conclusion

#telescope #smarttelescope #zwoseestar
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For planets ZWO has added a new "Planetary"mode into the app. Expecting more updates in the future.


I ordered mine today. Can hardly wait to image all the Messier objects I’ve only visually observed in my lifetime. 🔭


I received my SeeStar in October, but just opened it yesterday for Christmas. It has a Planetary mode now on the Playstore app I downloaded, but haven't had a chance to try it out. It had one software update that was free. This was all done on December 25th, 2023. Hope this info helps. Thank you for the gr8 and informative video!


I've got one of these on preorder from you guys, and the lack of a functional planetary mode doesn't really bother me much right now. It's a brand new product, and the software is still being actively developed. The addition of a planetary mode, especially given the fact that it has a functional lunar mode already, seems like not much of a job to be done. It would be problematic if ZWO hasn't at least announced that it will be coming in the next year or so, but this thing seems to have caught on with the community - they're going to make a bucket of money if the production runs are the same quality as the review models - so they're not just going to abandon the thing.


The seestar is an excellent beginners setup due to its simplicity, You will learn a lot about the stars and planets and how to set up and it's a great intro into Astrophotography. HOWEVER don't expect awesome images, yes they will look great on instagram but you are very limited with what you can do with it.
1: it is not an eq mounted device which means horrible field rotation as you use it during the night
2: the image quality is Meh compared to what you can do with a better scope, a cooled camera and an equatorial mount (obviously they do cost money)
3: If one thing breaks on it then you dead in the water. It is more or less a paperweight whereas with a dedicated Astro setup you can chop and change, the sky is the limit.
4: resale value will plummet as soon as the next incarnation comes in. Whereas you don't lose as much in resale for dedicated equipment
Don't let what I said put you off however as I still think it's great for beginners and such a great learning tool for outreach, schools and for those days when a more seasoned astrophotographer just can't be bothered setting up or is traveling.


I heard that ZWO will be adding a Mosaic mode in in up-coming update. ZWO has a forum that includes a Seestar section. They encourage folks to report bugs, and also accept suggestions for future updates. I ordered mine, but it may take until December this year to get it. Becoming older, I was no longer able to shuttle around my 10" DOB, nor able to afford all the expensive equip. to do proper astrophotography. I then discovered the Seestar.. and my quest to continue doing astrophotography has been solved. I watched a few other reviews and discovered that the Seestar captured more and finer details than the Dwarf 2 [maybe Dwarf is working on improvements? not sure].. so I'm very excited to use my Seestar when it finally arrives! Thank you for a really good review!


ZWO just needs to add a planetary filter that blocks some of the light coming in (similar to the solar filter but optimized for planetary viewing). That should solve the planet light bleed.

But since this telescope is fast evolving into a new classic, I am sure there will be tons of add-on products from third-party manufactures (including all sorts of filters) coming very soon. That will make this little telescope even more fun to use.


Been waiting for mine since April 14th. They are already improving the software so hoping Highpoint will ship soon.


I really enjoyed your deep dive into the S50. You highlighted the strengths of the Seestar extremely well, but rightly pointed out it is not a planetary system. With its short focal length and 50 mm aperture, it was never really designed for planetary imaging.
Overall, your video is one of the best I have seen for the Seestar S50. On of its greatest strengths is it is so powerful in a such a lightweight, portable unit. It will easily become my goto telescope for quick sessions, outreach, and travel. You can take in your carry on luggage, and be observing five minutes after getting to your destination!
It is a shame ZWO is so slow fulfilling the preorders. This video just makes me want it more. Having ordered in June I hoped I would have it in time for the October annular eclipse, but now I am hoping that you have one to ship to me in time for Christmas! I know I can trust High Point to give the best customer experience possible, but ZWO leaves much to be desired in the realm of customer communication.


I got recommended to you guys from a YouTuber, ‘Rooster Inn Observatory’. Because I asked him if you guys were ok to do business with. Ordered mine and it looks like it will just make it for Christmas. I gave up years ago on astrophotography because my equipment and technique sucked. This scope does everything I always dreamed of and more. I live close to Bortle 1 skies! S. Dakota.


Pre-ordered mine several months ago. Reviews looking good. I anticipate this scope to be a great portable, fun rig.


I got 4 telescopes and 2 goto mounts, but there are locations around my house where I just can't get my mounts and telescope or do not want to. This limits the available night sky targets for me to the Northern part and very little limited around towards the South. I got the spot, but I won't put my telescope there due to security reasons. That's where I'm gonna use this little guy.


I think the scope is ideal for beginners. For veteran astro photographers i think it isn't quite good enough. Perhaps in the near future this type of scope will be a convenient alternative to a normal astro setup.
The bottom line is that it's not good enough compared with even a basic astro setup.


For viewing planets could you tape an ND filter to the front to limit the amount of light coming in? I ordered mine last week and going to try this idea out when it arrives.


that seestar s50 have so much positives. i already purchase it and waiting it to come to my hands., 🤩


So, I went the DSLR route with a Sky-Watcher GT mount and Canon D5100. I've just learned about polar alignment, mounts, and specific settings for exposure, ISO, shutter speed, etc. My pics aren't there yet. With more experience I should get better results than SeeStar... Yet, I would still get a SeeStar as well, because manually doing all of what it does is very time-consuming and if you cut corners the results aren't like SeeStar. You have to take all sorts of exposures... from lights, darks, and frames, and then learn astrophotography and other apps. Comparatively, SeeStar would spit out impressive pics in way less time.


I wish the ZWO S50 was in their signature anodized red color, I would buy it in a heart beat.


Why is this scope set up so low to the ground. I live in Puerto Rico, on 3.5 acre, no obstruction of buildings and I like to use my Stellarium app on my iPhone. I want to know if this has mapping of constellations like the Stellarium app.


Just wondering if ZWO can correct the Planetary Mode through software update. Any thoughts on this problem out there? Thanks.


Waiting on my Seestar S50 expected to ship in December from y’all, so excited.
