Logic Pro X Mixing Tutorial - [Everything You Need To Know For Beginners/Intermediates]

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In this logic pro x mixing tutorial I will go over everything that has to do with mixing in logic for the beginner or intermediate. If you don't know some of the topics I'm talking about then please feel free to ask in the comment so I can help you. Mixing is a very important practice to bring your song together, it's like the glue to music production that specifically have to do with eq, compression, reverb, delay, and volume. We will go over all of these mixing fundamentals in this logic tutorial. By the way, it is a very long tutorial or course so please feel free to reference the video sections below to find the right topic for you, or enjoy the whole video :)

🎥 Logic Pro X Mixing Tutorial Video Sections 🎥
0:00 - introduction

0:56 - Section 1 - what is mixing?
1:27 - the four fundamentals of mixing
2:52 - what mixing won’t do

Section 2 - Putting Mixing Into Practice
5:18 - keeping an eye on your stereo output decibals
6:13 - how much headroom do you need?
6:54 - using markers in Logic Pro x
8:09 - the importance of organization in a mix
9:38 - creating track stacks
9:48 - the difference between folder stacks and summing stacks

Mixing Drums
14:20 - mixing drums in logic pro x
15:00 - how loud should your drums be?
15:40 - how to EQ your kick drum in logic
17:45 - using the stock logic EQ for your kick
18:54 - the fundamentals of EQ’ing
19:30 - how to do compression on a kick drum
23:33 - adding reverb to your kick
26:14 - getting the right amount of headroom on your kick
27:40 - how to mix a snare
28:00 - how to eq a snare sound in logic
29:05 - adding a compression to a snare in logic
30:06 - adding reverb to a snare
30:38 - mixing the kick and snare together
31:00 - mixing hi hats in logic
32:18 - mixing the hi hats, kick, and snare
32:50 - mixing a crash sound in logic
35:23 - mixing an entire drum kit in logic
35:42 - busing out a drum kit to add compression, distortion, and reverb
36:44 - adding distortion to your drums

40:38 - mixing your bass
41:15 - how to eq your bass
42:18 - how to do sidechain compression on your kick and bass
48:33 - mixing drums and bass

Electric Guitar
48:40 - mixing the electric guitar
49:20 - how to eq the electric guitar
50:28 - how to do a surgical eq on the guitar
51:18 - adding a reverb to your guitar
51:51 - sidechain multi-compression on the guitar

Synth and Keys
53:50 - mixing synth and keys
1:08:18 - adding echo on vocal samples
1:13:27 - how to eq a vocal sample

Pads and Background Noise
1:17:40 - mixing in pads and background noises
1:19:07 - how to do automation on a background noise track
1:26:15 - mixing bass and sweep reverses
1:29:52 - mixing everything together

Mixing with Automation
1:34:20 - how to do automation in your mixes
1:38:06 - how to do gain automation

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Hey guys, let me know what you think of this video, was it friendly for beginners? What was I missing? Your feedback is important so please let me know! 🙋🏼‍♀️


27k views and just 965 likes???
C'mon guys show appreciation! I'm sure a lot of you have gained a lot from this video. We have to learn to show appreciation guys, especially in 2022. Thank you Charles for sharing your knowledge with us. I wish you the best in all you do! Have a blissful year!


I just appreciate the time you take. I'm learning and I'm from the old school but having all of this stuff in one place on the computer is crazy. Wish it was around in my day.


It felt like I was chilling with you right there as a friend. Thank you! Tutorial is great!!


I'm shocked because of how underrated your videos are... I have just gotten my hands on my first Mac this Monday and you are just a rescuer for me!


Your thoughtful style includes details and background information that paints a full picture. Thank you!


Hey Charles, I just started your mixing tutorial! I am clearly a beginner in that I've been recording my songs for only seven months now and for the five I'd been using GarageBand and your tutorials got me started. For the last two months I've graduated to Logic and I can't believe how exciting it is to learn how to go through the mixing process and how much is actually available in Logic Pro. I know this sounds corny but I'd be lost without your well articulated discussions. I've got a song with about 20 tracks so organizing the material has been essential. I'm only about 12 minutes in but with note taking and trying out what your sharing it has taken quite a bit of time. I'm looking forward to studying the rest of your tutorial. I can't thank you enough!


I really appreciate your videos and the appropriate explanations you give to your audience. Thank a lot for that time spent, it's not a waste !


Hi Charles, this tutorial is exactly what I have been looking for. Your explanation using both apple and fabfilter vst's is a really great asset in learning mixing in Logic Pro X. I will check out your other tutorials on YouTube. Thank you I learned a lot with this tutorial.


Your videos are so clear and helpful, I always learn so much! Appreciate your videos so much ☺


Fantastic tutorial Charles! I really appreciate it. I watched your intro tutorial to Logic Pro and that same night I was able to create my first composition using your tips. I just watched this tutorial on mixing and it was incredibly useful. As a beginner, it was easy to follow along, so I want to thank you again for this. Cheers.


Thank you for the tutorial. I followed your steps. I been having problems with getting good balance between drums and my other sounds. Starting with mixing the drums first made a lot of sense. My new song is sounding better already. Just subscribed to your channel. Logic is a very good program to learn for home studio artist.


Such an interesting video and the fact that you go over the same things multiple times helps me learn. I will watch this a few times more cause I know i'll pick up more. Thank you for breaking this down and helping me to understand! 🥰


Hi Charles! During COVID lockdowns I decided to explore electronic music and DIY recording. I'm a swamp blues rocker on accordeon and keys, so it's a real adventure. Your video is great, looking over your shoulder to your workflow and explainations. I (un)learn a lot! 🙂


I've listened to about 8 hours of your videos the past 2 days, including this one. Four words: I - Get - It - Now. I've been doing a lot of this in GB already, but it was really helpful to see it done in Logic since I'm moving in that direction. And, it taught me not to fear Logic after all. Thanks, man.


Sample from Splice is heavenly. Appreciate the tutorial!


Thank you very much.. your videos are amazing


wow. watched all of it and this song im working on just sounds like wayyy better


This was super helpful and I'm looking forward to putting these lessons into practice. I think I'm somewhere between beginner and intermediate, trying to find that next "jump" in skill level, and this helped me confirm some thoughts about beginner skills while giving me new things to try. Thanks!


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