What is the Google Kubernetes Engine?

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In this video, CBT Nuggets trainer Ben Finkel explains the Google Kubernetes Engine. Watch and learn how to deploy a Kubernetes service with the Google cloud — with no maintenance or management from you.

Kubernetes and containers are a big, complicated topic, but Ben covers the essentials of how containers work and how Google Kubernetes Engine (or GKE) extend them. Watch and learn about what it means for Kubernetes to be a container-management service. You've probably heard of Docker when it comes to containers — but they're not the same thing. Docker makes containers possible, but containers are isolated collections of software.

Kubernetes manages multiple containers over one or more hosts. And if you have Google Compute Engine, those hosts are virtual machines being run by Google. Add GKE to that mix and you have a solution that gives you multiple options: load balancing across nodes, node pooling, auto-scaling and auto-repair, logging and monitoring, and autopilot.

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