The Beauty of Psalm 1

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Grappling with the Text is a unique Bible Study that focuses on the words of the text. With a unique blend of humor, bad drawings, and theological insight, these studies draw us closer to the words of Scripture and the joy the Lord has for us there.

This study focuses on Psalm 1.

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Thank you for sharing your blessed grappling with Psalm 1. One further opposition stood out to me. While the ungodly aligns with multiple sources (wicked, sinners, scoffers), they all lead to one outcome (death). In contrast, the righteous aligns with one source (God's law) which leads to a multitude of blessings (rootedness, fruit, non-withering).


I love how you study. I’ve been trying to find someone who digs DEEP into the word and I thank you brother in Christ i appreciate it! Amen!


"which the wind drives away ... (moment of silence)" Thanks Pastor Wolfmueller, this made my day :D


I pray that those who have ears to hear, eyes to see and heart to obey, come to the knowledge and revelation of This Psalm. 🙏🏼
That The Torah (Law) of YaHUaH (Father)is a delight, is ment to be mediated on and walked out Just as Our Messiah (YaHUShA) Did.
Obedience to Torah and Faith in Our High Priest! 🙏🏼
So that we may Stand in The Judgement! 🙏🏼❤️ Shalum all.


I enjoyed this video. Thank you. The chaff here in Psalms 1 made me think of the parable of the weeds(tares) and wheat in Matthew 13. At the end of the day(harvest), the Farmer(God) is only concerned with the wheat. The weeds, although they sprout up from nowhere even without being watered(truth), will be thrown into the fire. The weeds try to choke the wheat. They may even grow bigger and faster. But again, the Farmer is only concerned about the wheat. It does not matter how many practice lawlessness, God's concern is for those who hold to the truth(good seed/word of God). They will be gathered into the Heavenly barn at the harvest. But the chaff will be blown away by the wind. Chaff is the outer shell of the wheat kernel. The chaff even has the appearance of the wheat, but it is hollow. The chaff are not the wheat but only have the appearance of God's people. They will be blown away by the wind(Rev7:1-2)


Pastor Wolfmueller. These excersises are extremely helpful to me. Often I read and don't take the time to comprehend because I am just stuck on the habit of progressing or conquering/finishing. Almost like checking a box for the day. A bad habit I developed during my very busy and hectic, fast paced work over the years. I'm retired from that job and am trying to slow down and learn. These videos are tremendously helpful for that purpose, thank you!


Thanks for walking on Psalm 1. You blessed me today!


I would love to see you walk through a Psalm calling for God to destroy enemies. I never quite know what to do with that language, compared to “love your enemies.”


I really, really like when you do these. They are so very helpful. More please.


Thank you so much Pastor for this. Really love how to explain the verses, it really helps me in studying Palm 1. More please.


Please do more of these I’m new to the Bible and this is really helpful


The joy you take in exploring God's Word is inspiring.


You are an anointed amazing teacher. May God bless you and multiply your talents ❤😊



Press on

Praise the LORD


I would love more studies on breaking down more of the Psalms or Proverbs. I spend time studing the Concordia Commentaries, but I haven't learned enough as a lay person how to break Psalms and other scriptures down on this level. Please do more! Learned about this channel through Issues, Etc. Really enjoyed your "Elect" episode. More please! Christ the Shepherd LCMS, Alpharetta, GA


I appreciate the way you break down and explain the text. Thank you!


I really like how you break down passages


Way of the righteous /treat others as you want to be treated.
Way of the ungodly/ Selfishness only caring about oneself


This was wonderful!! I would love more of these!!


Psalm 1:4 "The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away."

While viewing your video it struck me for the first time that this verse does not say something like "The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which exists eternally in an everlasting state of judgement."

When I think about the metaphor a bit deeper I see an implication that when the wind drives away the chaff it's essentially obliviated. It's scattered to the four corners of the earth (so to speak) and reduced back to the dusts from which it came. There is no certain place where you could point to and and say "here is where the chaff is gathered." It's just gone.

"…but the way of the ungodly shall perish."
