Team Yankee Battle Report (French v Soviets - 75 points)

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Check out this game of Battlefront’s Team Yankee, where Piotr’s French force of tanks, self-propelled artillery, and mechanized infantry meets Arek’s advancing Soviet spearhead in a “Dust Up” scenario.

France wasn’t actually a NATO member state in the mid-1980s, but many theoretical scenarios included their forces entering a potential Third World War in Germany, especially if forward Warsaw Pact forces got too close to the Rhine River and the French border.

Thus, meeting engagements like this could easily have happened in the southwestern stretches of West Germany.

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Great battle report. I would suggest turning the music volume down, and getting an independent mic. Both would make it easier to hear when you're speaking. As said great job.


Great report. Good to see the French make an appearance.
