Headache-Free Reactive Programming With Spring Boot and Kotlin Coroutines

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When it comes to throughput, resource efficiency, parallelism, and reactive streams –if you want to get the most out of Spring Boot – there is no way around its reactive stack WebFlux. However, the price you pay regarding WebFlux’s complexity, testability, and maintainability is exceptionally high and will likely cause you a lot of problems.
In this webinar, you will learn how Spring Boot’s coroutine support can wipe out all the downsides of the “raw” WebFlux approach and provide you with the best of both worlds: reactive characteristics without the complexity. Using many live-coded examples, we will start at the very beginning by considering when and why you would need WebFlux (and why runBlocking{...} is no alternative). With this foundation, we will explore Kotlin’s reactive building blocks, such as coroutines and Kotlin Flows, and demonstrate how to seamlessly integrate them with Spring Boot WebFlux.
At the end of our journey, we will have built a reactive API that uses non-blocking remote API calls and async relational database access while leveraging parallelism and reactive streams. By then, you will know how to implement reactive applications without the headache.
Speaker: Urs Peter
#kotlincoroutines #reactiveprogramming #webflux #kotlin #springboot #tutorial
In this webinar, you will learn how Spring Boot’s coroutine support can wipe out all the downsides of the “raw” WebFlux approach and provide you with the best of both worlds: reactive characteristics without the complexity. Using many live-coded examples, we will start at the very beginning by considering when and why you would need WebFlux (and why runBlocking{...} is no alternative). With this foundation, we will explore Kotlin’s reactive building blocks, such as coroutines and Kotlin Flows, and demonstrate how to seamlessly integrate them with Spring Boot WebFlux.
At the end of our journey, we will have built a reactive API that uses non-blocking remote API calls and async relational database access while leveraging parallelism and reactive streams. By then, you will know how to implement reactive applications without the headache.
Speaker: Urs Peter
#kotlincoroutines #reactiveprogramming #webflux #kotlin #springboot #tutorial