Costa Rica - Geography & Provinces | Countries of the World

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Learn the geography of Costa Rica -- a coastal country in Central America -- including its 7 provinces and capital cities with this Countries of the World song by KLT

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#CostaRica #CountriesOfTheWorld #Geography

We are the 7 Provinces
Of Costa Rica
Touching the Caribbean Sea
and the Pacific we will show ya

Costa Rica touches Panama
Say the names you hear
we’ll try to say them with no flaw

Alajuela. That’s my name
I’m in the North
I touch Nicaragua
On this beautiful Earth
My capital is this star
It's named the same as I
Alajuela is how you say it
I’m done, goodbye

I’m Cartago
Here, in the center you see
I’m a province of Costa Rica
This great country
My capital also shares
the same name as me
Cartago’s its name
Where this star is you see

My province name is fun to say
It rolls right off the tongue
I’m Guanacaste
Don’t leave yet I’m not done
My city and capital
is what I’d like to share with ya
It’s where this star is spinning here
It’s called Liberia

We are the 7 Provinces
Of Costa Rica
Touching the Caribbean Sea
and the Pacific we will show ya

Costa Rica touches Panama
Say the names you hear
we’ll try to say them with no flaw

Also borders Nicaragua
In the North of my country
Costa Rica
Heredia is the name
Of my capital too
It’s so wonderful here
And really nice to meet you

Limón is here
touching the Caribbean Sea
Touching Nicaragua in the east
That is me
Puerto Limón
Is my capital city
And the hub of Limón province
That’s enough about me

I touch Panama
And I’m the longest province
You can call me by my name
It’s Puntarenas
This is my capital
And the port town
We share the same name
Puntarenas. Come on down

I’m also a province
And the last name to say
Get your mind ready to learn
I am San José
I hold the capital of this country
That’s cool! Wouldn’t you say?
It’s where this star does turn
It’s San José

My name is Costa Rica
How do you do my new friend
I’m in Central America
In the Caribbean
My capital is named
San José as you just learned
Maybe you’ll visit someday
I’m done with my turn

We are the 7 Provinces
Of Costa Rica
Touching the Caribbean Sea
and the Pacific we will show ya

Costa Rica touches Panama
Say the names you hear
we’ll try to say them with no flaw
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