Nathanael - Hymne der Verrückten @ Kulturpalast, Hannover 2022-02-12

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Hildesheim based Medieval Rock/Metal Band Nathanael presented themselfes supporting Heaven's Guard for their "Pathfinder"-release-show. Due to still recent Corona-restrictions only 35 visitors were permitted, seated, with masks, vaccinated and tested right before entry. This didn't really affect the audience to celebrate an intense performance of 2018 founded newcomers, who plan to release their debut album "Des Wahnsinns Methode" end of 2022. This was their first performance with the new members Mirjam and Pieter.
Nathanael are
Dennis Schwark (v)
Oliver Fox (g)
Nina Green (hg, bv)
Mirjam Abramowski (viol)
Eugen Gusser (b)
Pieter Jan Mumme (d)
Filmed and published with explicit permission of the band.
Please support them and BUY their merch and album, as soon as it will be released.
Nathanael are
Dennis Schwark (v)
Oliver Fox (g)
Nina Green (hg, bv)
Mirjam Abramowski (viol)
Eugen Gusser (b)
Pieter Jan Mumme (d)
Filmed and published with explicit permission of the band.
Please support them and BUY their merch and album, as soon as it will be released.
NATHANAEL - Hymne der Verrückten (Offizielles Video)
Nathanael - Hymne der Verrückten @ Kulturpalast, Hannover 2022-02-12
[Behind The Song] Nathanael – Hymne der Verrückten (04/13)
NATHANAEL - Nathanael (Offizielles Video)
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[Behind The Song] Nathanael – Nathanael (03/13)
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