Is Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Primer-Sealer review any good?

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We have tried many primers and paints thoughout our DIY projects, this primer has really good reviews and is available from Scewfix in the UK so we decided to try it and here are the results. Hopefully this video helps you out.
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I know this is an older post but I wanted to comment as I have used this exact product for the last 30 plus years. I have used it over oil stained paneling that was very dark stained. I did 2 coats of the primer sealer and 2 coats of the finished paint both in white and to this day they are still looking great. Considering they original stain was oil based and the primer and finished color were bright white I would say that this is an excellent product for about anything that you can throw at it . Oh and by the way I had to cover some chocolate colored flat paint last year and 2 coats of the zinnsser primer sealer 123 was all it took . Anytime I have to cover a dark color or an oil based stain this is the way to go hands down !!! Oh and no I dont work for them . I am just a contractor for the last 38 years and have used this product often ;-)


If you are painting over wall covering, this is what you want. Don’t need to strip wall covering, just make sure paper isn’t loose. One coat and apply wall covering. None of the mess stripping.


20 years ago, I painted a galvanized steel door using this primer first. The only thing I did to prep it was, wash the door with vinegar. This door has has full afternoon Sun for all that time and still looks good.


All the Zinsser paints are very good, I painted some pvc patio doors 2 years ago with the satin black and they still look like they’ve just been painted....👍


Thank you for this.
I am about out of zinsser 1-2-3, went online to price comp and found this product.
Looks great!


Amazing paints. if you want white paint then this is the brand to go for. I started using Perma White some years back with both the Bulls Eye primer and the shellac primer. I used to use Dulux, but these paints are far superior and do not go off in the tin. I have had a small drop of 123 in the tin for months. I used some this morning and it was perfect.


I wanted to take a wall from cream silk to white, the previously painted wall was bleached where the sun was constantly on it. This Zinsser is like white piss water and after putting 3 coats on (allowing two hours between coats) the staining was still showing through. Eventually I repainted the whole wall with a magnolia emulsion before repainting it in white.


Beyond All in One is phenomenal! Pricey but worth every penny 👍. Another good one worth a mention is Slick Stick by Dixiebell


This stuff does NOT work over oil based paint in spite of what the can says. I sanded thoroughly with 220 and wiped with toluene. It comes right off. I have major work now to remove it from multiple doors and door frames to start over. I was a fan of this product because it works on bare PVC. Save yourself some time. Sand and use oil based primer if moving to latex paint. Unfortunately, this isn't a viable solution for going over oil.


As a stain killer it's rubbish bin primer or any shellac equivalent is better... Tried this on water stains on a ceiling totally useless ended up going out and buying some bin primer


Did you try it on yourself before the wall ?


love the colour coordination on your jeans, lol.


Great paint but dose not block water stains


I've had good luck with this product as far as its ability to adhere to polyurethaned trim work with the proper prep. Of course. As far as its ability to seal down staining is poor in my opinion. I've had to use 3 coats to seal simple water stains. I use total one its a gold color lable. Its the best for stain sealing hands down. Good luck.


Five years on how did it wear? How’s it looking now?


Zinsser B-I-N or Cover Stain I think are better options.


Thanks for this review.
If I wanted to prime an old gloss door with this, would I first have to sand down to get a key, or just paint over it with this.
Also if I need to sand the door down, what grade sandpaper do I use ?


I'm using this now. Probably the worst primer I've ever used.
It has a blubbery translucent quality, and you'll need many coats if you want to block out dark colours.


Daniel can you use the Zinsser on upvc


Hi Daniel. Im currently looking into this product. Im painting fresh plaster that has fully dried and ive given it a layer of white wash using leyland trade vinyl matt. Ive noticed there are these areas that the paint isnt adhearing to well. In some areas it looks like driplets and in other areas its big blotches. It feels like a waxy substance. Im wondering if i could use this product in isolated areas before giving the wall a coat of vinyl matt followed by vinyl silk. Thanks in advance.
