PAINT WITH ME✨Creating a Special Painting From Start to Finish

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I paint a mixed media painting from start to finish - my acrylic and oil paint art process!

Oil Paint: Gamblin and Winsor Newton

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I haven't picked up my art since my miscarriage in April of 2023. I now have a beautiful 5 month old who takes up all my time but I still love to find small moments and watch others create, knowing there's going to be more time for my own creations in the future ❤


Yes, please do a video on your art wall! I love to see how people set up their creative spaces.

Also, this painting is breath-taking. The yellows, blues and the emotion reminds me of the Inside Out movies. Pure, joyful and playful. Love it so much <3


Creating, for me, is an escape. I lost my passion after high school, and being told I would never amount to anything. With some prodding from my friends, and finding this awesome community, I felt safe enough o start drawing again. Now, with my bouts of anxiety and self-loathing, creating art - be it on paper or painting a miniature - has become my safe place; where I can block out the world and just become lost in the process.

Thank you, Jess, and everyone who continues to inspire and be there for others when we need them.



I like how taking a photo of your art before inking it or painting it is a universal thing in traditional art. I also do it all the time. xD
I think its funny how we all share this.


8 years of YouTube and this is my first ever comment that I am forced to do because of the energy flow that you have channelised into my creative being and I can’t get over the fact that you’re so astonishingly elegant with your art and words and thought process, can’t put enough emphasis on the way you’re healing my soul that’s not even broken! 😭


The way I have actual tears streaming down my face.... This piece, Jess. It MOVES my soul in the deepest ways. Combined with your words and thoughts on creativity, and letting your heart guide THANK YOU. thank you. THANK YOU. This your I've never cried so much while watching art being made as when watching your videos. THANK YOU, again, thank you.

Edit: Jess, your words, your soul, your UTTER talent is boundless. I've never felt so inspired as when watching you make art. Truly.


This was such a joy to watch! ✨🎨 Seeing the entire process from start to finish was incredibly inspiring. The final painting turned out beautifully, and your creativity really shines through. Thanks for taking us along on this artistic journey—can’t wait to see what you create next! 🌟


I create art to feel free and express my emotions that I can’t speak of in person. My art expresses myself within my art work. I have been having art block for months. But having art in my life, sometimes I can feel breathe.


Your paintings and your videos are always so inspirational. Thank you, Jess. Her expression and the flow of energy around and through her is simply magical.


What an amazing Painting!

Your Paintings & Videos are so... so Relaxing!🧘☺

The Dripping Paint! OHHHH!


Your videos always inspire me, it's always like a little therapy session that makes me wanna draw immediately


Gorgeous as usual Jess! I love watching you paint. You have so much emotion in your paintings and I strive to capture that in my own. I started painting because for years I was made to feel I couldn't. I was constantly put down or made to feel foolish for even trying. Once I was able to get that negativity out of my life, I started painting and really found what heals my soul. I'm hoping to have much more content while I recover from surgery this month. It's a perfect chance for me to focus on my own mental health and maybe stop pushing it off to the side. Hope to see lots more of you during this month as well. <3 Love the creations


First, Jess, this is absolutely stunning. I cannot express how much this work and video resonates with me. Second, I wasn't really "in" to art as I grew up. When I was in my 30s I found places that were Sip and Paints and other painting acrylic, oil, and watercolor at my local rec centers and community centers and was just having fun. But in my late 30s I was in a terrible car accident that left me with my life but took away my career, my movement, and my social being. One day many years later I found some watercolor painters and you, Jess, on YouTube and was so inspired. Since then I have been experimenting with all kinds of mediums, learning, and creating.


WOW! I can't express in words how much I love this painting and watching the process of her coming to life. I am also an artist and and recently started drawing and painting again after almost 8 year hiatus. Your channel and work brings so much joy, thanks for all the inspriation to create again.


Jess, your videos have saved me so much. Anytime I need inspiration or confidence you just lift me up. I am an art teacher and you always seem to know what I’m thinking and help give me new ways to process and communicate about the artistic process. I always recommend you to my students. Much love, and thank you ❤


Hey Jess, I just wanted to let you know that your videos are so wonderful. I can see how much you truly love art and the creative process. I don't know you personally, but your videos give a good insight into just how beautiful a person you are both inside and out. I'm gushing, lol, but its rare to see someone so in love with the creative process and I love it. It's so beautiful to see someone so enthusiastic about what they do ❤.


I create because I love the feeling of accomplishment, that baffling thought of "Oh wow, I made that and it looks beautiful!" that gives me such a wonderful sense of growth and worth.
I am not good at many other things, I can't work because of my disabilities and my children are both adults now so they don't need me the same way they used to. To be able to make drawings and paintings makes me feel like I can still make some kind of difference and have value. Learning and developing gives me tremendous joy, figuring it out and creating something I could not manage a year ago makes me feel that life isn't over, there's still much left for me to do and it's a way for me too to feel proud of myself and my achievements that is really lacking in the rest of my life!


I always get emotional watching the end of your videos. My heart feels full 😍💕 Jess your art looks like magic every time you dip the brush on the paint and then to the painting 😍🎉 Thank you Jess 💕


She is beautiful dear love her, I have painted drew since I was very young it was a passion and helped me in so much healing , over the years . I hear you as one can yes for hours and so much is processed and discovered and some times such a surprize too as what happened in the end result. Almost or can be transported to another place . is amazing and I love it. love your work dear.💖


Oh my... You're genius.That's a really hardwork and it's soo prettyy🐈🌺
