5 Minute Cover Test for Binocular Vision Dysfunction

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Dr. Debby Feinberg explains the simple 5 Minute Cover Test that can help determine whether a patient has Binocular Vision Dysfunction, a vision misalignment.

Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD) causes symptoms like a headache, neck ache, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, and reading difficulties.

Headaches? Dizziness? Nausea? Reading Challenges? ADHD?
Vision Specialists of Michigan has been pioneering the work of NeuroVisual Medicine since the early 2000s, helping over 15,000 patients with the symptoms of Binocular Vision Dysfunction.

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This is ruining my life. I can barely drive anymore without getting dizzy if there is traffic and im going over 40 mph i get dizzy i also get dizzy at traffic lights because it feels like the car is moving when im stopped. Crowded stores also make me so horribly dizzy i can't even shop its all the people walking around me and the fluorescent lights that hurt my eyes. I also struggle to walk in a straight line sometimes and pull to the left when im trying to walk straight. Anytime i get dizzy i have a horrible panic attack and have to go home and its becoming harder and harder to go places and i can barely drive. I have no money and i have medicaid insurance and i can't drive to Michigan i live in Indiana. I just want my life back ive had this problem for 10 years now. Ive become agoraphobic and can barely leave my house and the panic attacks are terrifying.


Thankyou, this is very helpful. A real community service.


I have an appointment on Oct 4 for bvd I can’t wait to start going back to my old life i haven’t been able to enjoy being out for months and I never thought bc it would be bvd till I sall a video abt it and it describeds everything I have dizzy anxiety nausea I can’t drive with out having an anxiety attack bc everything seems unreal in my eyes I can’t wait to finally be in a car with my man with out front and screaming


Has this ever happened to anyone? When you come to a stop and it seems like the road is moving forward but it’s not?


Hello .

My main concern is driving .. as I am a full time driver, whenever I go on big highways I feel like I am gona pass out, my palms become sweaty and I become really anxious and dizzy !! There is a lot of pressure on my eyes and sometimes I can’t concentrate on the road :( does it mean I have BVD ?? Also mostly walking and sleeping I feel dizzy spells .. thanks


Had two concussions, otoneurologist says it's vestibular migraines, I suspect it's binocular vision dysfunction after this test. Good thing I have an eye doc years later.

Update. Saw opthalmologist and they suggested a neuro ophthalmologist but they won't see me unless the symptoms are constant. For once I should have lied.


can any binocular vision problem cause unsteadiness and loss of balance when walking ? such as squints/convergence insuffiency


I have many of those symptoms for 1 year now after two incidents of intense morning vertigo. I went to many doctors, did brain MRI, audiology tests, ENR balance tests but they didn't find anything. They told me I have BPPV. I asked for more exams multiple times and they said to take antidepressants, to dophysical therapy and to see a psychologist. I did the last two with no improvements. I found about Dr. Debby Feinberg and her research yesterday and I socked because the symptoms seem identical with what I have. I scheduled an appointment in San Francisco with Dr. Penza who does this exam. I tried the to do this mini test but after some time after covering one of my eyes, the vision from the other one it gets dark and with some pattern, I think because it's interfered by the other one. Is that normal? When I try to move my eye to the direction of the other one then it gets clear again but when I set it back to the default direction i.e., straight, the same thing happens again. Also when I move the uncovered eye, I can feel the covered one moving as well from my fingers that are touching it, is that normal?


What is binocluar vision dyfunction is it a term for every binocular disorder? Well anyways i covered my right eye for 5 mins and saw a huge improvement of my dizziness.


When i was 1 minute in i already felt a releave, i still doubt if i have it tho


Can BVD be reversed? How much does age have to do with it? I have been diagnosed and prisms added to my glasses by was told it can only fix up to 80-85%, is this correct? After adjustments to my glasses I still had problems and was told that my problems was between my ears. I was a firefighter for 30 years and I know what real fears are and are not. I was fearless and now i cannot drive on interstates or over high rise bridges. Is there any information you can share, as I was told I was off the charts after being tested and now they are telling me it is between my ears. What an insult given what kind of career i had and the emergency medical training I performed as well. Thank you for a response in advance. God bless.


I am 99% sure this is what I have, but I tried making an appointment at the office nearest to me, and they informed me they don't take insurance. Do any of your offices take inusrance? I simply cant afford $500 just to be evaluated for it.


Hi do you guys have a office in Los Angeles are?


I would have loved to come to your office for an evaluation but i live in Atlanta. Are there any offices you recommend in the Atlanta area who would do the testing as well as you guys?


I have a severe b12 deficiency that causes nerve damage .
Can to eyes legs and spine
I’m on b12 shots but vision is not better
I get very lightheaded in a store and the lights bother me a lot. It feels like my eyes aren’t following along with me when I walk or move and I feel in a dream like state. When in the car with my family everything comes super close feeling from outside and my body gets scared. Never happened ever before . I can’t read more than a few minutes now because it’s like nothing that’s still it’s moving a bit or something but isn’t exactly blurry . I went from playing basketball to not even being able to food shop. Went from reading books all the time to not being able to anymore

It feels like when I see things aren’t lined up in a sense . It happens at home but is way more intense at a store . My b12 definitely did damage but I think it was definitely to my eyes unfortunately. The eye doctor said astigmatism but didn’t check for anything else


Do you know if there is any specialist in Pakistan?


Thank you. I wonder if people with scoliosis (including head tilt) always have this issue of binocular irregularity, and if it's optically correctable when the body remains in torque, as scoliosis...? What if the body's torque goes in and out--are the optic corrections, let's say prism glasses, efficacious in reducing dizziness, when the body fluxuates naturally?


Is there some specialist in Europe who provides Neurolens please?


I've a lot of problem reading stuff. And my symptoms very well match with BVD ones. I had even taken your test online and it showed a very high score (higher chances of having BVD). Do you have specialists here in India?


I tried this and didn’t really tell a difference does that mean I don’t have something wrong with the eyes?
