Thomas Ebbesen: The Alchemy of Vacuum
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Lecture by Professor Thomas Ebbesen from USIAS & ISIS, University of Strasbourg at the Molecular Frontiers Symposium "Light at the Nanoscale: from Molecules to Quantum Computers" at Chalmers University of Technology, Dec 5-6 2019.
Thomas Ebbesen: The Alchemy of Vacuum
Lecture of Prof. Thomas W. Ebbesen on Kharkiv Chemical Seminar
Thomas Ebbesen Explores Nanoscience
Thomas Ebbesen is Fascinated by the Laws of Nature
20 Years Nano Optics - Interview with Thomas Ebbesen
L'Alchimie du Vide - Interactions lumière-matière en chimie physique - Thomas Ebbesen (2018)
Le chercheur strasbourgeois Thomas Ebbesen reçoit la médaille d'or du CNRS.
Thomas Ebbesen, prix Kavli 2014 en nanosciences
New properties of molecules and materials under light-matter strong coupling Part-I
The 2015 Kavli Prize Laureate Lectures in Tokyo_T.Ebbesen J
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