Create a visual to show the current month's sales vs last month's sales | Power-Bi Tutorial 2023
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Create two measures: one for the current month's sales and one for the last month's sales. You can use the following DAX formulas for these measures:
Create a visual to display the two measures. You can use any visual that supports two values, such as a bar chart, column chart, or line chart.
Set the visual's Axis property to the Date column.
Set the visual's Values property to the two measures that you created in step 1.
For example, you could create a column chart with the Date column on the Axis and the CurrentMonthSales and LastMonthSales measures on the Values. This would create a chart that shows the current month's sales vs last month's sales for each date in the Date column.
You can also use conditional formatting to highlight the differences between the current month's sales and last month's sales. For example, you could format the columns in the chart to be different colors depending on whether the current month's sales are higher or lower than last month's sales.