Increase Brain Power, Focus Music, Reduce Anxiety, Binaural and Isochronic Beats

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This is not sleep music. It should be listened to when you are awake.
We have used binaural and isochronic tone patterns between 12 and 20 Hz (Alpha - Beta range). You can listen to it with or without headphones or earphones.
This music can help you increase concentration, vitality. You can use it against fatigue, it reduces work anxiety. We recommend listening to it during work or study hours for at least an hour and a half to hear the entire frequency pattern.
You may gain a good effectiveness listening to it as a background when you're studying for at least 30 minutes a day. It is not possible to determine when it brings effects in a precise number of days. It is very subjective. This music works only if listened to in a waking state. You can play it as a background during study or job. For better effectiveness we recommend a moderate volume. Namaste

You can download this track with the title “Increase Brain Power” here :
or listen to it on:

They have a high audio quality and are very comfortable.

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“Music for Body and Spirit” channel includes also:

Reiki Music
Here you can find the music for your Reiki treatments with bell every 3 minutes, or without bell. Tracks with bell change to every position with melodies and harmonies studied in detail to help the treatment.

Meditation and Yoga music
For your short or long meditation or yoga sessions, to balance your body and spirit. Here you can find the music suitable for your taste.

Meditation Sounds
The music in this playlist has as common characteristic the absence of harmonic changes and very delicate melodies, which make these songs ideal for deep meditation.

Chakra meditation music with tibetan bowls
We have created a new playlist that collects chakra meditation tracks. Special feature of these tracks is that they were composed only with Tibetan bells. The sound is absolutely natural, you will feel them next to you.
We suggest you to listen to this track at low volume.

Relaxing Music
These tracks can be used in any situation: as a background while you are working, in relaxation moments after a stressful day or just when you want.

Short meditation and relaxing track
Short tracks from 4 to 10 minutes for short meditation or for relaxation. They can be listened in succession to get a long and varied track as desired.

Binaural beats
This is definitely the most special playlist. Each track is composed for a specific purpose.

Sleep music
Sleep is very important to a person's health. These compositions are designed to accompany you for the duration of your sleep or just to fall asleep.


℗ 2020 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved.
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℗ 2020 Music Body and Spirit All rights reserved.

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#studymusic #binauralbeats #isochronictones
Рекомендации по теме

This music can help you increase concentration, vitality. You can use it against fatigue, it reduces work anxiety. Leave your experience in the comments. Namaste


I know my comment is easily lost here, but if you're reading this, it's no coincidence. Be sure, gain strength! Even if you are going through something very difficult in your life. Believe that everything will work out! This is just a phase, hang on! I know we don't know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side!


I don't know if anyone is reading this, but if you are: YOU CAN! YOU WILL WIN!! I believe you! 😍😘


escutei esse audio quase toda semana quando estudava pro enem, durante os dois anos de pandemia. Tinha o sonho de passar em medicina pelo enem. Hoje volto aqui pra escutar enquanto estudo para a minha prova de habilidades médicas <3 gratidão!


This comment will not be lost in the sea of thousands of other comments… for we all make up a sea of gratitude, support, and faith. Strangers on the internet, with no connection to each other… only the connection of faith. Believing in ourselves, regardless of the situations we find ourselves in. Discovering that there are people like us who so openly give love to each other, without a second thought. Sharing the love that God channels through us. God speaks through so many things. Animals, colors, the natural world, people, and especially music. We find ourselves spreading the word of the Universe and God: have faith, share love, and believe in ourselves. I hope if anybody reads this, I’m thinking about you. Praying for you. Even if I don’t know you. I know you’re doing the same for me. God bless.


The person who is reading this description, I wish you great success, health, love and happiness!


I am studying medicine and sometimes it’s tough but this music helps me so much especially late at night, I look forward to studying when I listen to this. I hope I will be able to help many people some day through what I learn. I wish everybody who reads this a peaceful night god bless you


Escutei bineurais durante toda a minha graduação e me formei ano passado. Agora continuo escutando enquanto construo meu próprio negócio. Ou seja, esse tipo de música ajuda a construir seu futuro enquanto te relaxa pra dar conta do presente que por sua vez se tornará um passado de orgulho. Então, meu irmão e minha irmã, vc que veio até aqui, continue, escute e faça o que tem de ser feito. O resultado é como uma árvore. Inicia-se com algumas pequenas sementes, cresce ao ser regada todo dia, fortifica-se na chuva, no sol, nas tempestades, nas bonanças para na hora certa, dar seus frutos e sombras ao mesmo tempo que se apresenta com uma beleza incontestável e serve de casa para aves que lá do céu transmitem em seus voos a mais pura sensação de liberdade!

E gratidão ao canal. Vcs possuem um papel muito importante.


Sei que meu comentário vai se perder facilmente por aqui, mas se você está lendo isso não é por acaso. Mantenha-se confiante, tenha força! Mesmo que esteja passando por algo muito difícil em sua vida. Tenha fé de que tudo vai melhorar! É só uma fase, aguente firme! Eu sei que nós não nos conhecemos, mas eu acredito em você! Tenha certeza que Deus está sempre do seu lado! 🙏❤


If you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. 🙌❤ Wishing you this from Colorado


Se você está escutando essa música é por que você quer vencer pelo estudo. Continue firme e forte. Dará tudo certo. Confia! CONFIA!


Sou professora universitária e estudante também, devido a alta carga de trabalho e estudo tenho dificuldades de me concentrar e ser produtiva...desde que descobri essa estratégia com as ondas bineurais me tornei muito mais produtiva e essa versão é minha preferida, ouço diariamente. E hoje parei para ler os comentários e verdadeiramente me emocionei...cada vida tem sua luta diária e ver tantas mensagens de amor e apoio me comoveu. Que todos que estão por aqui sejam tocados por esse sentimento de motivação, força, superação e carinho que essa corrente de comentários nos trouxe. E aos ADM do canal, que Deus os abençoe grandemente e espero que tenham visto a dimensão que esse trabalho tem na vida das pessoas.


My precious wife died in my arms four years ago while asleep in the hospital. I awoke suddenly and felt her spirit all around me. I did not know the source of the comforting music that played that night … but this was it. I feel she has sent it to me again to comfort me now in my times of distress. Thank for these blessed, heavenly sounds.


Você que está lendo isso, se prepare pois vai vencer sua batalha. Deus é contigo, irmão!


I love this music, and I love all the comments in different languages, we are all connected. Blessings!


If you're reading this, it's too late you're already receiving positive healing energy and love! Namaste!🙏🏽❤


You"ll be amazed at what you attract into your life when you start Believing in what You Deserve, blessed be 😇😇😇


Quem está ouvindo essa música e lendo esse comentário, quero que saiba que Deus es contigo. Desejo todo sucesso do mundo pra você. Amém!


Volto aqui para comentar que fui aprovado no concurso público. Graças ao maravilhoso áudio consigo me concentrar melhor nos estudos, meus sonhos voltaram e me sinto confiante para seguir o meu propósito e a minha missão de vida. Obrigada por disponibilizar, esse áudio deveria ser tocado em todos ambientes, é mágico. Deus abençoe a jornada de cada um. Luz em nossos caminhos!


If you’re reading this comment, it’s too late, you’ve already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I’m so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good, it’s your time
