What Is Nested List In Python? - Inner List Python - Python Short Series Ep. 47 #python #datatypes

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Hello Dear Coders,

In the Episode 47 of the Python Short Series, we will learn about the List Data Type.

In Python, a list is a versatile and commonly used data type that allows you to store a collection of values, such as numbers or strings, in a single variable. Lists are denoted by square brackets [ ] and each item in the list is separated by a comma. You can add, remove or modify items in the list, and access individual items by their index position. Lists can be nested, meaning you can have a list inside another list, and they can also be sorted or sliced to extract specific elements. The list data type in Python is a powerful tool for working with collections of data, and it's a fundamental part of any Python programmer's toolkit.

So stay tuned with this Python Short Series too learn all about the basic and advance of a Python with this simple shorts video.

Till than keep practicing...
#python #programming #coding #datatypes
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