Register Custom WordPress REST API Namespaces, Endpoints & Routes

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In this video, we add our custom taxonomies data to our new REST API endpoint. I also show you how to make your own Custom REST API Namespace and route in WordPress/ClassicPress while exposing dynamic data edited in the CMS to the endpoint.

This is similar to how WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads exposes it's data to the front end for authorized users.

Building manual APIs is not the way to go. You can harness the power of ClassicPress/WordPress as backbone for custom software development.

In this series(Building a Custom Endpoint Open Data API using ClassicPress or WordPress.), I will move away from a manual GitHub API to I using the ClassicPress or WordPress REST API to make quick endpoints, Custom Taxonomies and Post Types to make the editing and addition of content easy.
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This was very helpful, thanks so much


Awesome, thank you for this tutorial.


Love your work. keep posting. subscribed.


Thanks. How to do an endpoint to a taxonomy?


Plz tell me, how to use DELETE methods


Translated with google translator:
TechiePress 1000 thanks for your tutorials, this was what I was looking for.
Although I DO NOT speak ENGLISH, because my English is very bad with the translator I have understood the whole tutorial ... again thanks

It would be good if in your videos you explain how to make a hierarchical custom-post type and that they are related. I explain better with this example

Make a custom-post-type of course and that there are custom-post-type of lessons that are related to the course. In other words, English course Lesson 1, Lesson 2 ... it could even be complicated a little more by Module and that each module has its respective lessons ...
Something like that ... what do you think ... can it be done ??? I will be very pending of your answer

I greet you from Venezuela att. Jose Grillo

TechiePress 1000 gracias por tus tutoriales, esto era lo que estaba buscando.
A pesar que NO hablo INGLES, porque mi ingles es muy malo con el traductor te he entendido todo el tutorial... nuevamente gracias
Seria bueno que en tus videos explicara como hacer un custom-post type jerarquico y que esten relacionado. Explico mejor con este ejemplo
Hacer un custom-post-type de curso y que existan custom-post-type de lecciones que esten relacionadas con el curso. en otras palabras curso de Ingles leccion 1, Leccion 2... incluso se podria complicar un poco mas por Modulo y que cada modulo tenga sus respectivas lecciones ...
Algo a ese estilo... que opinas... se puede hacer??? estare muy pendiente de tu respuesta
Te saludo desde Venezuela att. Jose Grillo
