The Problem(s) With PPL ❌😩

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PPL is actually a great starting point for learning, and incorporating compound movements into your routine (as a beginner). Personally, I never ran a PPL split, and never will.

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Yall trippin, hes natural asf we used to go to the same university together. I SAW his transformation first hand man. All natty, just hard work


Here's a solution for you :
Focus more on chest on push day 1
Focus more on shoulders on push day 2
And hit your Triceps afterwards


I do a ppl where one pushday is chest focussed and the other push day i focus more on shoulders, works great for me.


*flashes his split so we have to watch the whole reel all over again*


Pov: you're looking for the comments calling him unnatural


The guy is literally trying his best to help you and you're all accusing him of being on steroids. Don't get me wrong, he looks great, but his body is very achievable. You just gotta put in the work like he did and learn from his experience.


And someday you wake up, find yourself with kids and a job and you find out that the split is only the nuance, but the consistency and effort is what divides the great from the rest :)


I deadlift on leg day. That way I get more time to focus on upper body pulling movements like barbell bent over row. Doing this has improved my back gains significantly.


i like how the leg day footage is just him pressing lmao


I modify my PPL. I don’t do shoulders with push. I do

Back(Lat focus)/Biceps
Legs(quad focus)/shoulders(front & side delt focus)
Back(Rear Delt & Mid back focus)/Biceps
Legs(Hamstring focus)/shoulders(trap focus)

To me this is the optimal way to cover the entire body and put emphasis on the muscles you’d lack if you just did a normal PPL split. Biceps & Triceps are secondary muscles to back and chest so I don’t change much with arms. And I do shoulders with legs because they don’t rely much on each other to get better so they don’t interfere with intensity. I can go hard on both muscle groups. This is what works for me.

I don’t like bro splits because you’re just obliterating one muscle one day a week. It’s not enough in my opinion. There’s only 5 major muscles (Chest, Back, Legs, Shoulders and Arms) and there’s 7 days a week. So even if you never have a rest day muscles will still get missed out if you try to hit every muscle twice a week. But to each their own. I’ve also tried P, P, L, upper then lower. Rest 2 days. But on upper and lower days I felt I couldn’t go hard on every muscle because I’d be fatigued after chest and back so my shoulders would suffer.


Training shoulders chest and triceps is fairly similar if not less when compared to back and biceps, in terms of how many muscles are being used. The back alone has 20 muscles


Do the split you enjoy the most and can see the most results from.. it really is individual


Dude looks pretty natural to me.. he is doing this for long time.


Same. That's why I do a push, pull, shoulders split and sprinkle in legs and abs on those days. Deadlift/hamstrings fits in perfectly with back for example.


How I 'fixed' Push-Pull-Legs routine:

Day 1: Chest and Triceps
Day 2: Back, Biceps and Forearms
Day 3: Shoulder and Abs
Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Rest
.. This doesn't make it twice a week training per muscle group, but our bodies don't work on a weekly basis. This also makes the routine messy, in one week your Monday will be Chest + Tri, in another week, it will be Legs for example. But again, the positive side is, if you skip a workout for some reason, you can just hit it tomorrow without worrying much, because next Monday the routine will reset itself in one of its weekly forms.


This implies you couldn't set up PPLx2 to focus on weakpoints or move around volume in order to tailor your program to your needs.

For example, if you want to work on a shoulder weakpoint, your first push day can start with OHP and shoulder accessories with maybe one or two chest exercises with low stimulus to fatigue ratios for maintaining chest mass. Then, on your second push day, you can start with push press and more shoulder accessories -- followed by a horizontal press.

It's all about intelligently managing volume week by week and making sure your volume requirements and physique goals are aligned for your just ramp up volume for weakpoints and make sure they come first in the workout while keeping strong body parts at maintenance volume.

Nothing about PPLx2 really prevents this... There's nothing magic about it or any other split. It all just comes down to preference.


Justin, you literally have my DREAM physic, I’ve only been training for about 3-4 months and I can’t wait til I look ANYTHING like you!


I do PPL powerbuilding and currently happy with it. When doing PPL you gotta prioritize what's lacking the most in shoulder or chest, in my case my chest was lacking so I don't focus as much on my OHP/shoulders so I just do bench pressing first. I might switch up some time but atm PPL is working great.


The machines at your gym look so cool and comfy to use!


Your physique is literally my goals as of now 🤧💪💪 keep going hard Justine doing nothing but good for the fitness industry
