September Gardening Tips | PNW Zone 8b

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Hello friends, I cannot believe it is already September even though the trees are telling me it is September as they drop their leaves.

September has a few tasks to keep up on like dividing perennials as well as resuming slug patrol as the rainy days return (it is going to rain at some point right?). For seeding, there is a difference between early September seeding and late September seeding (depending on exact climate of course). The seeds sown in the beginning of September are for plants (greens) that will be enjoyed mostly around winter time while the planting at the end of the month is for overwintering cold hardy crops that you will enjoy in the spring. The thing to remember is that plants do not grow much, or at all, when the daylight is under 10 hours so you want to assess how your garden is looking going into that period.

September is also such an exciting period because winter squashes are really sizing up and tomatoes are coming ripe and cool weather greens are also coming up and the garden is producing so much (depending on size of course).

I hope this video was helpful and thank you for watching. Happy Gardening!

#pnwgardening #zone8b #wintergarden #growingfood #gardeningtipsforbeginners
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Nice to learn from someone who understands our strange and gorgeous climate.


Paused the video to say I love the colors on your shirt!


I'm in lake Stevens this is my second fall at my property I didn't get to do anything last year being pregnant, but I've prepped my new garden area with tarp, finally picked up moving box. I want to over winter some veggies in buckets so I have SOMETHING growing 🥰


I moved from SoCal and I have a lemon tree. I need to prep for overwintering.


We started building our garden. I like your greenhouse.


Hi! Subscribed to your channel because I'm in the same area. Hey from Lynnwood. This year has been crazy for weather. I've been experimenting with tomato varieties to see what I like the best. So far, Sun Gold is my favorite. I do raised beds and containers. Thanks for your informative videos!


I'm not sure what you're talking about with August cooling down normally, I have lived in the Pacific Northwest my entire life in August is always the hottest month.


Last year I had a lot of success overwintering endive and some other stuff in containers, particularly grow bags that mostly grow potatoes in the summer. It was kind of a surprise for me. Do you have any advice or experience with grow bags or containers vs in-ground planting for late fall/overwinter? I'm sure like a lot of home gardeners, I have both containers and in-ground plantings in my garden. Thanks!


OMG...JUST FOUND YOU....I live in tulalip, gardening for 10 years...and this was THE WEIRDEST. can we connect via email or something I have so many questions on how stuff was wierd. Rabbits decimated my peas...3 plantings and gave up. Cantaloupe watermelon no go. Bells which I usually am overflowing trips to the food bank almost a no go. I got 10. About one per plant grrr. Onions no go. Shallot 8. Blue What the heck ..I usually have gallons off of 8 bushes...I got one gallon. Pollinators came in aprill....dissappear in may and june.June... back in July so probably the reason blueberries harvest sucked....cilantro 3 plantings and no germination...Anyhow can we connect?...I have to go binge watch you videos


In your area. Do you grow ginger, turmeric, or horseradish? What month do you plant? What month do you harvest?


Have you ever planted sweet potatoe slips in end of September?


Snails/slugs are hermaphordite they ALL lay eggs.
