Karl Popper's Rejection of Induction | Mike Mazza

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How does science work, and how does it differ from religion or pseudo-science? According to Karl Popper’s “falsificationism,” science, unlike religion and pseudo-science, doesn’t claim certainty; it aims only to disprove its hypotheses, and this is the source of its rationality. Popper proposed his theory as an alternative to the view that science distinguishes itself by proving its conclusions inductively. In this lecture, Mike Mazza discuss the reasons behind Popper’s anti-inductivism and falsificationism and how they undercut the rationality of science.
Recorded live on June 16th in Anaheim, CA as part of OCON 2024
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Recorded live on June 16th in Anaheim, CA as part of OCON 2024
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Karl Popper's Rejection of Induction | Mike Mazza
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