The difference between theory and practice
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It was the legendary American baseball player Yogi Berra, a man (in)famous for his off-the-cuff aphorisms and tautologies, who said, "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but it practice there is." It is as true of network transformation as anything else. As Amit Tiwari explains, Affirmed Networks was conceived and built on the notion of SDN and NFV; the company didn't come to virtualisation by chance but by careful forethought, planning and a determination to apply IT type principles to telcos and service providers as they transform their networks - and that is a very different approach to other players in the virtualised networks arena. A lot of vendors claim to have NFV solutions but few of them can point to successful commercial deployments. However, Affirmed Networks can. The company is markedly unlike others in the virtualisation space in that it has actual, real-life experience in deploying commercial virtualises apps for mobile service providers. It knows the difference between theory and practice.
FILMED AT: Tech Mahindra Network Services Conclave 2016, The Hague, Netherlands
FILMED AT: Tech Mahindra Network Services Conclave 2016, The Hague, Netherlands