Musagi Session01

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DrPetter's Forum is gone... however, email me for a link to Musagi [t1.68].

Recorded with Debut's free version. I hope the avi format works. Anyway, this is finally my first attempt to record a musagi session for you. It's unedited, so it might require some patience of yours, but you get to see everything that's going on, including my thinking pauses, hehe. Everything is from scratch, all sounds and, naturally, the very simple little tune. Soon I might try using a mic, too, for some moderation, but "baby steps" on my part, if I may.

This is, by the way, my musagi mod [t1.68], which features a bunch of smaller evolutions I have added to the app, but it's also a bit buggier in this latest version. Anyway, it has a mixer now and a nearly violently different CHIP synth compared to the original (which I still love). All sound interpolations are a little finer now, but that's just for the trained ears, I'm afraid. Editing changes include group duplication and a few pattern editor group editing additions. Oh, ehm, just one, actually. Anyway, just so you know, musagi 0.23 doesn't quite look and sound like this, but since you can just download my mod from drpetter's forum it ain't a secret special. Use [t1.67], though. It's much less buggy, sorry. Only a few CHIP features are missing, including the nice noise section as it is now.
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You are my best friend on youtube from now on! :D
Have worked some on my tune today, its turning out better and better. I will make a youtube video when im done with it for you to enjoy ;)


Hi, Taron. I remember you from the DrPetter's forum. It seems the forum no longer exists and I don't know where to look for 1.67/1.68 to get musagi running on a new laptop. Is it still available somewhere?


Yay to unity, brother! 8)
Uh, I can't wait! Make sure to let me know! :o)


Ah, hehe, I've added group editing of note velocities in the pattern editor. You can select a group, copy it, paste it and adjust all their velocities then. This way you can create simple little echo delays.


Me decidi a buscar un tutorial de musagi y me encontre esta genialidad. Muy bueno, voy a tratar de probar conectado un teclado con midi a ver si me sale algo.


Not at all, actually. Debut stunned me right away. It natively uses H264 compression and mp3 for sound. I think I had it a bit too quiet, which caused the bad quality on single sounds. Anyway, it's pretty fantastic for free. And very easy to use, too.


Ahahaha, what a joy, someone, who appreciates it, too! 8)))
I'm very happy now! However, you'll encounter a number of issues, I'm sure, as [T1.68] is really a bit buggier than the earlier versions. [T1.67] is the safest bet, but it doesn't have all the CHIP fun and some minor improvements. A bunch of things are wacky for reasons of funny initializations that have always been an issue with musagi. So, don't be surprised if certain things sometimes work and sometimes don't. THANK YOU, for sure!


Its been so long i had almost forgotten. Unfortunatly i have not been able to make a video of the song, but i've alteast manage to upload it to my webpage:
The song itself is called Ohm_Man and is somewhere near the bottom. I'll try posting a direct link but i dont think youtube approves of that for some odd reason. Enjoy :)


2:23 even, also why does your musagi interface look so smooth?


I like these mod of Musagi, but the forum server is shutdown, i want to download this!


You mean the skin? Because I made it!? ;o) ...I think I defaulted it for those, who download my mod from the forum.


algunas personas tienen las mejores virtudes... y yo... calentando mi asiento :'c


(Creo que puede leer español) Solo una cosa es la que mas busco hacer, el Orchestral Hit sin usar las funciones del Midi (midinst y tampoco midperc), porque cuando las uso, solo eso suena y las demas funciones dejan de sonar, y quisiera saber como hacer el Orchestral Hit en un chiptune sin usar el midi...


I can't copy and paste multiple song parts


tus canciones están libres de derechos de autor. porque realmente me gustan muchísimo


oh my god! You can change more than 1 Velocity Marker at a time?! HOW!??? XD (refered to 2:25)


Hello ñ_ñ I need help, I want to do some tunes in 16-32 bits in Musagi, Im really confused trying to use Famitracker, so, I want how to know to do it in Musagi : /


Saludos! He descargado una canción que hice pero cuando intento abrirla me dice que no conoce el formato, aún cuando el propio programa solo me deja guardar la producción en esos formatos que no acepta. ¿Crees que se deba a versión incompatible? ¿Cómo puedo conservar la producción y luego abrirla para poder editarla en un futuro?


How do you make that red line connecting musical notes? I can't find the way :(


whats your latency configuration mine keeps repeating the sound four times or is it some other setting? thank you
