Automate The Creation of Virtual Machines in VMWare
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In This Video, you will learn how to automate Virtual Machine build in VMware. In this example we are only creating single VM with Customization spec and IP address assignment but in future release we may see more parameter and more number of machines build at the same time.
You can use below script and let me know if you are facing any challenges.
=====================Script Here==================
$VMname = read-host "AUTOVM01"
$IP = ""
$SNM = ""
$GW = ""
$DNS1 = ""
$DNS2 = ""
$CPU = "4"
$MemoryGB = "6"
#Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $false
$GC = Get-Credential -Message "Credential are required to Access Gues Windows Machine" -User Administrator
New-VM -Name $VMname -Template Win2016 -OSCustomizationSpec Windows -Datastore 'STRG-CLS01’ -DiskStorageFormat Thin -ResourcePool CLS01 -Location Mumbai
Set-VM -VM $VMname -NumCpu $CPU -MemoryGB $MemoryGB -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Start-vm -VM $VMname
#Only show time in your script
function Get-TimeStamp {
return "[{0:MM/dd/yy} {0:HH:mm:ss}]" -f (Get-Date)
#We are waiting here to complete Customization on VM
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
write-output "$(Get-TimeStamp) Waiting for Customization to be completed"
$CustomizeSuccess = Get-VIEvent -Entity $VMname | Where-Object {$_.FullFormattedMessage -Match "Customization of VM $VMname succeeded"}
$CustomizeFail= Get-VIEvent -Entity $VMname | Where-Object {$_.FullFormattedMessage -match "Customization of VM $VMname Failed"}
If ($CustomizeSuccess){
Write-host "OS Customization has completed on $VMname"
#Here we are setting IP address on the VM by using guest credential
Write-Host "Setting IP address for $VMname..."
$IPConf = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMname -GuestCredential $GC -ScriptType bat -ScriptText $IPADD
If ($IPConf) {Write-host "IP address configured in System"} else {Write-host "IP Address assignmenet failed."
$DNS1Conf = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMname -GuestCredential $GC -ScriptType bat -ScriptText $DNSE1
If ($DNS1Conf) {Write-host "Primary DNS Assigned"} else {Write-host "Primary DNS assignment failed."
$DNS2Conf = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMname -GuestCredential $GC -ScriptType bat -ScriptText $DNSE2
If ($DNS2Conf) {Write-host "Secondary DNS configured in System"} else {Write-host "Secondary DNS assignment failed."
Write-Host "System Build is done, Please verify the VM."
If ($CustomizeFail){
Write-host "OS Customization failed on $VMname , Press any Key to Exit the Script"
===================== Script End Here ======================
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You can use below script and let me know if you are facing any challenges.
=====================Script Here==================
$VMname = read-host "AUTOVM01"
$IP = ""
$SNM = ""
$GW = ""
$DNS1 = ""
$DNS2 = ""
$CPU = "4"
$MemoryGB = "6"
#Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $false
$GC = Get-Credential -Message "Credential are required to Access Gues Windows Machine" -User Administrator
New-VM -Name $VMname -Template Win2016 -OSCustomizationSpec Windows -Datastore 'STRG-CLS01’ -DiskStorageFormat Thin -ResourcePool CLS01 -Location Mumbai
Set-VM -VM $VMname -NumCpu $CPU -MemoryGB $MemoryGB -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Start-vm -VM $VMname
#Only show time in your script
function Get-TimeStamp {
return "[{0:MM/dd/yy} {0:HH:mm:ss}]" -f (Get-Date)
#We are waiting here to complete Customization on VM
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
write-output "$(Get-TimeStamp) Waiting for Customization to be completed"
$CustomizeSuccess = Get-VIEvent -Entity $VMname | Where-Object {$_.FullFormattedMessage -Match "Customization of VM $VMname succeeded"}
$CustomizeFail= Get-VIEvent -Entity $VMname | Where-Object {$_.FullFormattedMessage -match "Customization of VM $VMname Failed"}
If ($CustomizeSuccess){
Write-host "OS Customization has completed on $VMname"
#Here we are setting IP address on the VM by using guest credential
Write-Host "Setting IP address for $VMname..."
$IPConf = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMname -GuestCredential $GC -ScriptType bat -ScriptText $IPADD
If ($IPConf) {Write-host "IP address configured in System"} else {Write-host "IP Address assignmenet failed."
$DNS1Conf = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMname -GuestCredential $GC -ScriptType bat -ScriptText $DNSE1
If ($DNS1Conf) {Write-host "Primary DNS Assigned"} else {Write-host "Primary DNS assignment failed."
$DNS2Conf = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMname -GuestCredential $GC -ScriptType bat -ScriptText $DNSE2
If ($DNS2Conf) {Write-host "Secondary DNS configured in System"} else {Write-host "Secondary DNS assignment failed."
Write-Host "System Build is done, Please verify the VM."
If ($CustomizeFail){
Write-host "OS Customization failed on $VMname , Press any Key to Exit the Script"
===================== Script End Here ======================
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