Things Most Humans Can't Do

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Ultimate Fact Pretenses Things Most Humans Can't Do. The human body is just amazing with all the organs in it, but despite all that stuff inside of us, there are interesting things it can’t just do. However, few people can do most of those things so easily. Let’s look at top 20 things most humans can’t do.
1. Putting your foot behind your head
It requires extreme flexibility, win order to put your feet behind your head. To some gymnasts placing feet behind their heads may sound a bit easy, but it may be entirely impossible for ordinary people. Look at how these guys are doing things most people are unable to do.
2. Tongue tricks
If you dint know what else the tongue can do, look at these select few tricks. Splitting the tongue, rolling it, flipping it 180 degrees, and performing a reverse are all cool tricks. It's heavily debated whether these tricks are genetic or can be learned. If you thought these are things kids cannot do, studies have shown that some children can perform tongue tricks even when both parents couldn’t dos so.
3. Gleeking
This is a smart little trick courtesy of your salivary glands. It’s basically spitting a jet of saliva from your submandibular glands upon compressing it with your tongue. It is a human equivalent of a camel spit, and only a few can do it. You may have accidentally done it when visiting a dentist or yawning. This is one of the fantastic body tricks most people can’t do. Gleeking is basically an involuntary act, and only a lucky few can perform this saliva spit on command.
4. Open eye sneezing
Among the impossible things, most humans can't do is sneezing with their eyes open. You may have noticed your eyes automatically shut whenever you sneeze well; that's not the case for everybody.
5. Nose twitching
If you ever watched bewitched, you must have tried to twitch your nose like Samantha without success. It’s one of the amazing body tricks most people can’t do, perhaps because it’s not a universal talent.
8. Lick your elbow
Most people can easily bend their arm or elbow, and most people can easily slip their tongue out, but most people can’t do them together. Licking your elbow is one of the weirdest funky things most people can’t do.
9. Wiggling your ears
Ear wiggling is one of the most amazing body tricks most people can’t do, although you can train yourself to wiggle your ear by simply isolating your ear wiggling muscle. To be honest, it’s a lot harder than it seems; just practice wiggling your ears without moving any other part of your face and let us know how it goes.
11. Tickling yourself
Tickling yourself to the point of laughter is among the things most humans can’t do, and it’s practically impossible. This is because you always brace for the touch, and your body doesn't react the same when someone else tickles you.
15. Raising one single eyebrow
Facial expressions, oh, yes! In order to identify with someone, they know people tend to use different signs like raising their fist, smiling, or raising their eyebrows. Although this sounds easy, some people can't raise one eyebrow by itself. Now you may be thinking you can do it and even trying it out, but you can’t.
17. Wiggling your little toe
While moving the big toe is reasonably straight forward, wiggling the small toe is a whole matter. You may manage to move it after considerable effort but will notice that the toe next to it is moving too. This body trick is one simple thing most humans can’t do.
18. The chair experiment
You must try this to believe it! An exercise that most women can manage easily, while men can’t do it. Let’s go, stand with your two feet against the wall, take two steps back in a straight line, put your feet together, lean forward with your head touching the wall, pick the chair up and try to stand up. While ladies often do this easily, it is staggeringly difficult for men. The chair challenge proves to be one of the simple things most men cannot do.
19. Milk squirting from your eyes
Well, this is actually the video of the day, how on earth would you take in milk either with your mouth or nose and let it squirt from your eyes? It seems like fun, but these are things most people can't do with their bodies. Some people do insanely dangerous things we are yet to see if this particular talent or skill will get onto the Guinness book of records. Meanwhile, don’t try it at home.
Which of these weird funky things can you do? Do you have any friend who can do any of these? Let us know in our comments box below.
#UltimateFact #BodyTricks #Facts
Рекомендации по теме

I can do every one of these except for the milk squirting, the cinnamon swallowing and lifting the ring finger.


when i was a child back in the 60’s, i saw Gisele MacKenzie on a talk show. for some reason, she was asked if she had any unusual talents. she looked directly into the camera and started raising and lowering her brows to music. i thought that was so cool that i spent months trying to do the same. i finally gave up however i did manage to teach myself to raise my right eyebrow and lowering my left eyebrow at the same time. i still can do it.


I can:
1.Wiggle my ears.
2.raise 1 eyebrow.
3.sneeze without closing eyes.
4.clover tongue.


لا اِلهَ اِلّا رَبُّ الْعَوالِم حُسَين جَلَّ جَلالَه خالِقُ شَئ وَ الْرازِقُ كُلُّ شَئ و القادِرُ الْمُتَكَبِّرُالْمُطلَق فَلَيسَ كَمِثلِه شَئ ❤️


Thank you for the update, Ultimate Fact..!! 1:51 I've never heard of the chair challenge until today. @.@ Wow, that's amazing.


Writing 6 and round leg clockwise is very interesting


A science teacher in high school had us do a tongue rolling and one eyebrow lifting. Charted by classroom size, male, female it was a way to introduce us to inherited genetic differences.


I can do almost half of these 😅

Tongue tricks, eyebrows, ear movements, touch nose with tongue, touch chin with tongue, gleeking, moving foot clockwise and nose twitching


I can always do all the tongue twisters. I can do the three clover. I can do the bowl and that’s all.


Out of this family, I think only my brother can wiggle his little toe.Everyone laughs when he does it.


I can do a couple of the tongue tricks, can move either of my eyebrows individually or one up and the other one down simultaneously, and I can move my ears and make my sunnies go up and down by doing it. And I can even do more funny unique things.


I can wiggle my ears, raise one eyebrow by it's self without touching my face and put my foot behind my head


Me when I’m literally talking to a group of people and then I literally gleeking


I can wiggle my ears. And I can rise my single eyebrow.


i think i can only do 3 of these...the "putting my whole fost in my mouth", "tickling myself" and "tounge tricks"


I can do lifting the ring finger, wiggling little toes, the chair experiment, moving my feet clockwise, and tongue trick. I don't know if that's good or not.


9:08 I've been able to do this and have never seen or heard of anyone else being able to, and people I'd show it to would act like it's so crazy lol, after I showed it to someone people would always ask me to show others to get their reaction. I never thought anything of it but nobody I'd show it to would say they've ever seen anything like it, it seems normal when you can do things like that. I've measured it and I can make the width of my tongue go from a bit over an inch to 4 so it's an extreme difference though, there's actually spilts in my tongue that allow it to stretch a bit farther. It's wide when relaxed to the point of hanging over my teeth and it's easy to bite my tongue if I'm not careful, I generally keep it sucked in so it doesn't hang over my teeth, so my theory is I've overdeveloped muscles that allow that to happen. The sides of my tongue are rough too from my teeth.

Those splits in my tongue might be from all the times I've bitten it too lol, the worst is 2-3 years ago when I was normally strict about diet mostly close to carnivore with quality animal foods and almost zero carbs, but it was the weekend and I was alone and accumulated a stash of candy from being a custodian so I started eating that. I ALMOST didn't eat a Fruit by the Foot but decided to, and ended up biting my tongue so badly I couldn't even see how badly for a while because it was bleeding so much it kept covering the wound. But it was a gaping wound and for sure a main artery, I almost went to the ER but decided not to I think it was during lockdown or after too. I kept gauze in my mouth almost constantly for a couple days(I was too worried about sleeping so stayed up Saturday night) and it healed fine, if I wasn't careful it could start leaking for around another week(so I still kept a gauze pad on it pressed against the roof of my mouth sometimes) until it healed perfectly. I've been super careful ever since. All over a Fruit by the Foot lol.


I can do every one of these except for the milk squirting, the cinnamon swallowing and lifting the ring finger.


I can do a lot which include the flaring of the nose and the tounge tricks. And I definitely know I can open a bottle with my feet because when I was younger I refuse to touch mostly everything with my hands and did it with my feet.


4:13 I’m literally like double jointed everywhere in my body
