Class D vs. Class AB amps

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Has class D switching amplifiers come of age enough yet to seriously challenge the superior sound of class AB amplifiers?
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Your videos are so informational. I would take a class with just you speaking about audio.


I have heard a few good class D amps, and in my opinion they all sounded flat in the midrange frequencies. Don't get me wrong they sounded great on the lows especially with really good and tight woofer control which can be a positive or a negative depending on what you are listening. The highs were also very nice crisp fast and detailed with lots of sparkle and a huge sound stage. But the midrange was anemic and lacked the fullness of the good class A, AB or especially Vacuum tubes where the midrange is the star of all the attention and just grabs your emotions. So I find that class D is not emotionally involving especially in the midrange frequencies. When class D technology reaches the level of tubes or good class AB in the midrange I will switch to class D. I have a feeling that Purifi ET400A module has reached the pinnacle of class D technology and its only a matter of time before more and more people and manufacturers will start implementing it in their audio systems. That romantic midrange bloom may never reach the same levels in class D technology simply because of the very linear and virtually distortion free audio reproduction. In a sense our human hearing prefers a degree of 2nd order harmonic distortion that vacuum tubes and class AB amps produce, which is more relaxed forgiving with majority of music. Sorry for the long read...


When civilization collapses and you're living off grid with only solar but still need your stereo the class D amp is gonna be a winner.
I have a class D and and AB amp, same power and all, I use the D for the woofers, the other day I reconfigured the setup using the class D amp for the mains and a plate amp for a woofer. It made a pretty compelling stereo, although, as Paul comments here, the AB amp is just a step more in many ways sound wise. (I like that I can swap a few wires and have a different stereo...)


Great video Paul. While the cost effective Class D's tempt me, I'd rather have better sound over energy efficiency. When I see that Class D's have begun to rule the roost, I will then take another look. For now, Class A or AB for sound quality.


Class D can be very good. Particularly for bass authority. And it is environmentally friendly.
BUT, I can build a great tube amp with very little cost that will blow it away and carries a nostalgic appearance that can be endearing. And in terms of power costs, it is the smallest part of my budget with the biggest return. I'll happily have a class D powered sub along side the triodes.
BUT #2, I am happy that class D will bring affordable audiophile experience to more people.


I agree. Class D is making a huge impact. I recently heard Bel Canto REF 600Ms and Jeff Rowland's 125s and was more impressed with Bel Canto's. Gallium-Nitride is also making Class D a big contender. But the best way to find out if it's for you is to listen to it on your system.


Wow! This was not the answer I was expecting from Paul. Thank you for a candid and honest response to where we are in 2020. Love your channel and always look forward to your videos.


Class D amplifiers of sufficient quality are finally beginning to impress
but that doesn't mean I'm going to buy one.


I am amazed at the sound I can get from even a tiny class D amp. These amps are simply amazing for low volume listening.


Class D amplifiers can really shine with small full range drivers like BMR speakers and some 2-way speakers with silk dome tweeters. There are some audiophiles that actually swear by inexpensive class D amplifiers like the Texas Instruments TPA 3116d2 based amps. I swear by 1970s to early 1980s class AB amplifiers.


Several years ago I got a (class D) ICEpower based amp and it was comparable to decent ABs. But I have to say that most recent designs of ucD-type amp modules (like new hypex) - they just outperform any AB amp out there, so we don't need to wait several years for that to happen - it's already there.


Went class D running a pair of TAD S1-EX in Bi-amp and I can’t complain. Sometimes it’s a bit bright depends on source or the recording I should say but otherwise it’s pleasing. As Mostly I listen to jazz or classical music it’s more then satisfying.


For classical a really black background is a big plus, and on the whole class D seems to deliver that more consistently. There are some A/B i've heard with that attribute - at a price...
I think there are some who like the concept of A/B ('free 'flowing' signal') and dislike the concept of D ('chopped up' segments), and that lurks behind a unrealistic bias - not to say that a 'genuine' preference does not exist. There is a lot a mud in water with tube input stages etc and some of the best AB I've heard (Linn) uses digital power supply, so not quite so black and white.


I have a Marantz PM50 AB Amp 70 watts per channel (Analaogue Only) from 1991 connected to a Pioneer DAC and it sounds beautiful sounding. The Vocals for example in Memory from Cats sounds very emotional, romantic, and connecting. I now have a little spare money and decided to treat myself to the Marantz PM12 Special Edition 100 watts per channel (Analogue Only) Class D Amplifier also connected to the same speakers and the same DAC as my PM50. At the time of purchase and listening i wasnt aware of it being a Class D Amp. I hooked it all up and immediately put on Memory (as its one of my favourite songs) and was looking forward to the Vocal section, but when it arrived it didnt connect with me I then listened to some other favourite songs and it was the I then switched Amps back to my old PM50 and the emotion returned!! I then kept switching amps (i had both set up next to each other just a case of pulling the speaker plugs out of one and into the other and the DAC interconnect) and i spent the whole weekend doing this. I was shocked i had just spent £2300.00 on an Amp that isnt even as good sounding as my 1990 PM50! Luckily i was able to return it for a full refund. I then started looking at other Amps and then realised that the PM12 was a Class D compared with my Class AB PM50. I then also read countless reviews regarding Class D not sounding as good as Class AB. I have now orderded the Marantz Model 50 (70 wpc and Class AB) which will be arriving this weekend and im hoping this will at least be equal to my PM50 or hopefully even a little better 😀👍


Remember Phase Linear?
Bob Carver who invented the 500 watt cube amp from the 80s or 90s designed and built them right?


Good answer. Also important to note that a designer who really knows what he is doing can make a class D and it can outperform a large percentage of the class AB out there that may not have had that level of expertise and care in the fine details of the design.


yeah, I agree with you about class A and AB all vacuum tube input and output. I design them from the late 60 till now and compare with class D and there is no comparacion. Check the output of a fixed frequency in a scope. You be extremely surprised when seeing all that staircase on the output.


I switched to class D and was very careful about the design, so far very pleased with results, in my system. Design is important to avoid problems with mid and upper range sound.


You totally did not acknowledge Bob Carver - the genius who created A/B amplifiers with the efficiency exceeding that of Class-D with his tracking-downconverter.


Class D technology has seemed to have jumped leaps and bounds in recent years. Not to mention, why not find a company with a reasonable return policy and try one out for yourself? Instead of judging an amp on what class it is, see how it works and sounds in your system instead of basing it on the class of amp it is.
