Tue, Oct 8 - Holy Catholic Mass from the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy

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I offer this Holy Mass for the eternal rest of my son on his 4 year anniversary of his passing. May he be with Our Lord Jesus Christ and our Blessed Virgin Mary, all the Angels, Archangels, Saints and his Guardian Angel. Amen!


Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your blessings, you save me from bad people. Thank you Father David, and to other Priest, God bless you both with good health, God bless Brothers Andrew, Ken, Mark, all Priests and Marian Helpers, asking prayers for my niece Ramona Ave Mae to pass her Licensure Exam for Medicene on October 12 and 13, prayers for peace in my family, all families, peace in our Country and all Countries in the Whole World, prayers for healing of all the sick, and prayers for all the souls of faithful departed ❤️🙏❤️


Praying for my son who turned 34 today, may he continue to live in faith, hope and love, please keep him safe at all times, and may all his goals in life come true, in Jesus name, amen!🙏🏻


Father, I offer up this mass for my family, friends, all those that are on my prayer list, silence in my heart, and all intentions on my prayer board. Father, I pray for the conversion of Russia, China, North Korea, all countries that are communist, socialist, Muslim, and world leaders. I pray for all that do not believe in you. I pray for all of your children througout the world to listen to thier wake up call and to kindle the flame of love within us to do your will. Virgin Mother, cover us with your mantle, protect us from Satan, his evil spirits and demons. Mother Mary, dispatch your legion of angels, saints, and martyrs to defend us in battle each and every day. I pray for world peace and all your children, sinners that have turned away from you. Father, open up our eyes and ears of our hearts (Ephphatha). Come Holy Spirit dwell within each of us.
Thank you, God our Father, for answering all our prayers. Jesus Christ, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything. Jesus, I trust in you.
🙏🙏🙏❤️ Amen


Offering Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for all of my family living and deceased for Holy souls in purgatory especially Robert and for all priests and religious Pope Francis and Marian families and all of humanity ❤️


I offer up this mass for the young man that has been severely injured. Lord, please give him the strength he needs for his recovery.


Thank you so much, Father David, for the Gift of Yourself united with the Gift of Jesus' entire Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in His Sacrificial Offering in His Holy Eucharist, pouring out
into Our hearts His Graces of a Love, So Pure, as to transform Our Hearts and Souls to do His Holy Work of Saving Souls from Hell and into Heavenly Glory with Him. Thank you, Jesus,
for your Precious, Merciful Love for Me and My Entire Family, both living and dead. I offer this Holy, Beautiful Mass for them and especially for all those who are affected by all of
the dangerous hurricanes past, present and future and pray that we will humbly accept the Crosses You have sent us to bear for all of the trials and tribulations yet to come in Peace. Amen.


Thank you, Fr.David & Fr. for celebrating The Holy Mass & Homily with us today, please keep me in your prayers and God Bless you and all The Marian Fathers and Family Amen 🙏🏻


Divine Mercy Saint Fuastina Thank You For Everything You Given To Us, Please Pray For Us My Children My Grandchildren Protect Guide All Of Us, Forgive Our Sins We Commit Amen 🙏 Please Pray For My Son To Rebuild His Self And Family, Guide Protect Keep Him Safety, Lord Please Help Me To My Children My Family To Be Together Again, Lord Please Hear My Prayers And My Intention Amen 🙏 Lord Please Bless All Of Us Amen 🙏


Heavenly Father, please protect us, keep us safe, vigilant and faithful to pray the rosary. We trust in you 🙏🏽 Please help the people of the United States, especially all those affected in Florida & North Carolina


Divine Mercy Saint Fuastina Please Pray For Me And Help Me To Heal My Whole Body, Touch Me With Your Hailing Hands Amen 🙏 Please Help My Son In Law To His Sickness Amen 🙏 Please Pray And Heal My Brothers Sister To There Sickness, Mama Mary Please Heal Us Amen 🙏


Heavenly Father rescue me from this continuous struggles and lift me up according to Your will. By Your stripe we are healed. Healed my parents from their u cure illnesses from this world and touch every heart who does not know you. Guide Josh to Your righteous path and protect him from this wicked evil world. Thank you Lord, Amen. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Fr. David, thank you for your beautiful homily that inspires us to unite ourselves to God: by listening to Him for He is the only truth and to do His will at all times. Without Him, we can easily go astray in this world where many people follow the wrong direction and without a goal to achieve for one’s eternal salvation. Indeed, when we pray, we stay focused in God’s presence and allow Him to speak to us. If we want to say something, the Our Father taught by Jesus is the perfect prayer we can humbly say with a childlike confidence, love, respect and gratitude. Then, we finish our prayer being strengthened, consoled and satisfied.


❤ Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ hear us
Christ graciously hear us
God bless everyone who reads this, may the blood of Christ cover us all. ❤
❤‍🔥"Lord Jesus Christ, by your precious sacrifice, you have opened the wellspring of salvation. May the water from your side wash us clean, purifying our hearts from all sin, that we may be worthy to stand in your presence and receive your eternal grace. Amen."


I offer this mass for Zachary Samson Mendoza and Dr. Willie Ong for complete healing and complete recovery. Thank you Lord . Amen


For all the victims of the hurricanes and all those helping them.


I offer this mass to my husband who’s fighting depression and anger issues.


Thank you for the fantastic homily. May God bless and protect you, all the Marians, and all the Clergy. Keep up the good work.


I offer this mass for my brother Innocent who slept in the Lord Jesus Christ yesterday, may his soul and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.


Watch these masses daily when I can, makes my day go better, some days are hard for people, reason they don't pray enough, the in dwelling of holy spirit teaches us, stop resentments, forgive each other, let go of past mistakes, give it to God, his forgiveness is great, and healings, happiness, and love happen in your life and others.Reading book I found recently at library, good."Mother Teresa A simple Path, compiled by Lucinda Vardey, Ballantine Books, N.Y. Mother Theresa is no longer with us, but she did great things while alive, Mary, and Martha were like her too, Jesus knew this, he loves us all, amen.love Cynthia Luke❤
