S. Korea, U.S., Japan's six-party talks representatives to discuss N. Korea sanctions in Seoul...

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한미일 6자회담 수석대표 협의회 오늘 개최... 대북제재 집중 논의될 것

The six-party talks representatives from South Korea, the United States and Japan will hold trilateral talks in Seoul today,... their first such meeting since the UN Security Council imposed new sanctions on North Korea late last month,... and the first in six months.
Officials say South Korea's top nuclear envoy Kim Hong-kyun... and his U.S. and Japanese counterparts Joseph Yun and Kenji Kanasugi are expected to focus on the implementation of sanctions and how to actively engage China and Russia... in that process.
China and Russia are the other six-party denuclearization talks members,... along with North Korea.
Trilateral cooperation on unilateral sanctions will likely be on the table, too,... as Seoul, Washington and Tokyo have each announced independent measures on North Korea early this month.

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