This didn't avoid the objection at all.... you can't use god like you use your mind to make sense of the world.
A Christian Classical/Evidentialist here: All you're saying (I think) is another way to say God is the Foundation Ontologically and not Epistemologically. God is certainly the *Ontological* Foundation for both Being *and* Knowledge, but not the starting point Epistemologically. One's starting point Epistemologically is *necessarily* one's own subjective experience and cognitive/reasoning faculties. This is necessarily the epistemological starting point because *there is no other epistemological starting point one can have.* It is the *only* epistemological starting point one can have because an individual subject is their own subject and not any other subject. Therefore, in relation to God, it is impossible to start with God Epistemologically because *I'm not Him;* I'm my own subject. Epistemologically speaking, I can *only* start with my own faculties and move from there to the world that God made and to believe the Scriptures He gave.
Your epistemology (your theory of knowledge) and your theory of ontology (what you beleieve is) the are both phenomenal states. Therefore your entire worldview is on the wrong side of the bridge of necessity. You can never reach an ontological necessity from an epistemological necessity. I am sure you aware of this insurmountable objection so why do you continue to make an srgument that you know fails?
Lol How can you start with god as your starting point when you can't even show your god EXISTS eli?
Y'know... I think that helped me! Please do a longer video on it, since I sometimes trip up a bit when drilling down on specifics of ontology and epistemology.
Wonderful! An entire semester’s worth of gold here in one minute!
Yeah but that's begging the question. You start with asserting God's ontology, that he exists. You can't do that. You can't presuppose god exists and then based on that conclude that God exists.
This is really helpful and well-explained, Eli!
I'm glad you took a breath (assuming you did) after that. :)
I've heard this explained many times (even from you in a different context) and this is the clearest I've ever understood it. Thank you.