My Scary Story about Aspartame Poisoning | Feel Good Friday

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Hey friends! Thanks for watching! I've wanted to share this story in its own video for a while now. I talked about it in my Weight Loss Story video I posted a few years ago, but since a lot of you may not have been subscribed to my channel then, I thought this topic was a good one to address in a Feel Good Friday. This experience opened up my eyes to how toxic aspartame can be to our bodies. It was a very scary experience, and I wanted to share it with others. Now I'm not saying I NEVER have it anymore, but I do avoid it as much as possible. The only things I consume that still have it are a diet soda here and there. But I learned from this that just because something is 0 calories or sugar free, doesn't mean its helping in your weight loss attempts.

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I’ve battled vertigo (severe) for 8 years…watched your video and decided I needed to give up diet soda. I did so for about 2 months. No dizziness whatsoever! For the first time in years! But then I missed my Diet Coke and decided to drink it once in a while which of course turned into daily…and wouldn’t you know it, the vertigo returned. There’s something to it, guys.


I couldn’t believe chewing gum could be a nearly fatal, habit, until it happened to me! I had developed a habit of chewing two or three pieces of Wrigley’s orbit gum and getting a change of gum at least 4 to 5 times daily. As an RN I was completely disabled and spent a year in living hell with anxiety so severe I was suicidal! I was so restless I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I couldn’t even sit back in my chair I had to rock incessantly. I slept for 1 to 2 hours then woke up and was awake for up to two hours and then got another 1 to 2 hours of sleep. In total I was only getting 4 to 6 hours of sleep nightly for an entire year! I was sleeping 8 to 10 hours nightly prior to changing from natural gums to the cheaper Wrigley‘s brand gum! I couldn’t focus on anything and spent four hours trying to watch a half hour program because I couldn’t absorb what was being said! My vision was blurry and I went to multiple doctors, but nothing they gave me was providing relief! After not finding any relief and being so disabled I began to read about aspartame and the first reports I read all said it was safe so I didn’t give it a second thought. Thank God six months later when I was on the verge of killing myself because I couldn’t tolerate living in such torment I decided to dig deeper and discovered aspartame can be toxic! I immediately stopped chewing gum which was really my favorite and only vice in life! Guess what? Yes, within one day I was back in my right mind! I am livid over how can they put something like this in our food without giving us blaring warnings about how toxic it is - especially for certain people who are more sensitive to it.
Our body chemistry changes every seven years so you can tolerate a certain food or medicine all your life and then suddenly develop allergies or sensitivities! Don’t sit smugly thinking, oh this could never happen to me, because I can testify that you never know and doctors are not trained to look for this type of toxicity! I wonder how many children with mental issues just need to get off of the aspartame! If it could do what it did to me, the fact that it silently causes cancer’s and other neurological conditions without being identified until the damage is done is easy to understand! We are like lambs to the slaughter trusting in companies motivated to cheaply process and sell us their goods!


I drink about a 2 liter or so of diet soda a day, and my health is JACKED. I really needed to hear this


I was overconsumming Coke Zero and now having these symptoms. Thanks you because this was very scary.


The best testimonials are from real people not medical experts. Thank God your trainer knew instantly what was going on.


I've never screamed "yes" so many times at a video.

I quit coffee a year ago. I had to cover 2nd/3rd shift for 2 months and went to Diet Coke... I am SO bloated, my skin is itchy???, I feel foggy, and overall gross.

Your video was so helful! I've only been drinking water for 2 days, caffeine headaches suck, but my clothes are already loose from the decrease in bloat.

thanks for sharing!


This video is five years old but as important to actually view all the way through as it was then.
Aspartame can kill you.
You are very blessed you did not go to the doctor.
The symptoms it creates are almost always treated as other ailments by doctors.
The water weight gain from Aspartame is especially distressing as people who have heart problems already naturally retain water in their tissues.
i wished I had seen this video when you posted it five years ago.
A loved one who just died in part from aspartame in her diet might still be alive.
Thank you for posting this video and never ever let anyone tell you your real life experience is not valid.
Your true life testimony is the most valid truth we can hear.
Over ten years ago, there was a website dedicated by the mother of a child, her daughter who had such severe reactions to Crystal Light, her daughter was scheduled to have brain surgery to fix it.
But just before the surgery was to happen, she rechecked everything in her daughetrs diet and realized all of her daughters symptoms started the week she started giving her daughter Crystal Light.
The lady stopped the surgery appointment, stopped the Crystal Light cold and it took several weeks but her daughter eventually recovered right back to normal.
I never thought the American food industry would do this to our families but i was dead wrong.
Stop using any Aspartame or Splenda too.
Artificial sweetewners will kill you or someone you love.


Stopped sucrose and aspartame sweeteners. Almost immediately, resting blood pressure went from 135/70 to 120/65. My heart flutter stopped along with chest heaviness. Went back to plane water and sugar in my coffee.


For me it causes mood swings, concentration issues, and the worst fatigue ever.


I had panic attacks ending at the hospital because of aspartame, thank you for sharing


I used to drink diet sodas all the time. When I stopped I went through withdrawals from the aspartame and the caffeine. It was awful. I had headaches for a week and was getting anxiety and panic attacks. I couldn’t think straight and it all culminated in the last 3 days. My heart was racing all the time, my breathing was very shallow, I couldn’t sleep because I would stop breathing and wake up gasping for air. I honestly thought I was dying or at least developed some permanent disorder. I’m so happy it’s over.


I knew a lady who drank diet soda all day long. One day she woke up one side of her face was paralyzed. She went to the ER. The doctor asked her questions to find out what was wrong with her. She was only 21 (too young to have a stroke) so the doctor asked her if she drank Diet Soda. She said yes. I drink at least 10 cans a day. The doctor told her to stop drinking sodas that contain Aspartame. He said it's a neurotoxin. .


I realized I was getting muscle spasms from Diet Coke in my back. Plus a really overall uneasy feeling.
It took me 3 weeks to detox from diet sodas that I have been drinking for 20 years or more. I had actual withdrawals.
Then I got a Starbucks latte with sugar free sweetener and I felt terrible and that's when I realized that it was the aspiratame that was making me sick I thought it might be the caffeine but it was the aspartame.
I had a 1/2 of a Diet Coke today at the pool and it made me feel sick so now I am taking some dandelion and charcoal to get it out of my system quicker


The sad part is ..if you told a doctor about this thy would think you’re crazy. 🤷‍♂️


I gave up diet/light drinks four days ago. I’m 27 and had horrible constant body pain. My knees, feet, and neck were the worst. I started getting headaches after drinking my Arizona Light tea-lemonade. Four days later without any artificial sweeteners and I have barely any pain happening. My extremely painful joints on my big toes are feeling much better (very painful when your job is literally walking all day). I don’t remember the last time I’ve felt this good!!


My experience was exactly the same! My diet almost only consisted of aspartame a few years ago. I definitely share the scary feeling. I was lying on the ground in the middle of the night and had to call my mother to come and pick me up! I have not touched the stuff ever since! So glad you are feeling better. xx


When I stop drinking diet drinks I stop hurting everywhere. My tendonitis goes away. My knees stop hurting. My neck and back stop hurting. It's the only thing that I've changed and so I believe it's the aspartame that causes the pain.


I gave up artificial sweetners a long time ago but still chew sugar free gum but limit myself to one piece a day, if any. But thanks for making this video. My 19 year old daughter drinks diet drinks, despite me freaking out about it and telling her its so bad for her body. I forwarded this video to her!


Yes...this happened to my son. Aspartame is a really son got severe headaches, weight loss, bad attitude, swelling, water retention and he could not focus on in a school. He was drinking it from drinks and from those loose packets in his oatmeal. We took him to the doctor and she said it was the artificial immediately took him off and flushed him with water 💦. We also had to take him to the emergency room and they gave him 4 bags of IV. I'm glad you did this video....very informative and educational. Hugs 🤗


I was drinking coke zero, diet snapple and sugar free gum and I started having out of body intense anxiety and horrible heart arrythmias went to the ER. Linked to aspartame! Horrible!!! Should be illegal
