Information Enigma: Where does information come from?

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Although the probability argument does seem like a devastating blow to the neo-Darwinian paradigm in regards to protein evolution, there is actually a much more significant and deeper problem than what the video here implies in terms of statistics. This problem is so devastating that even if one assumed that unguided and undirected evolutionary processes were capable of overcoming the odds of what geneticist like Douglas Axe here suggested,  such assumption actually won't be enough to resolve the whole protein evolution dilemma. This problem has already been well scientifically established, although the problem is generally overlooked, known as protein denaturation.

Protein denaturation is a destructive process in which proteins lose their stable 3rd dimensional protein fold structure caused by various factors. These factors or conditions are 1) strong acidity or base 2) concentrated inorganic salt 3) radiation & 4) heat exposure. Denaturation is very bad for proteins,  given that they destroy their tertiary and quaternary structure.  Protein structure, just like amino acid sequencing, is very important in order for the polymer to function properly. Thus, in order for the proteins to actually fold and continue functioning properly at all, they must be set under certain stable environmental conditions. Too much of those conditions would cause those proteins to denature and be rendered completely useless, even if the amino acid sequencing and fold turned out to be right after all. Denaturation is also a problem too when it comes to DNA & RNA.  

However, there is an even deeper problem than what I just suggested earlier. Contrary to what the majority might fail to realize, proteins don't actually last very long, even if they were under perfect conditions where denaturation is unlikely to occur. Over time they begin to get damaged and eventually hit to the point where they cease to exist. So even if one assumed that a functional protein miraculously popped out of nature despite all the overwhelming 99.99% hopeless odds, it would eventually die out at some point of time. Thus, in order for the protein's function to remain beneficial and be selected by natural selection, it would need to self-replicate somehow. Yet, proteins themselves don't self-replicate,  but rather get replaced by new proteins manufactured by the cell. Yet, in order for this to happen, there must already be special enzymes, ribosomes, and other forms of cellular machinery all made up of already existing proteins and special RNA molecules. This is where the chicken and egg problem fall in.  

Hence, it's not just the statistics that delivers a big slap to the face those that are against the idea of intelligent design, but also the laws of physics as well. Neither do the abstract models of mathematics nor the behavior of physics comply with the orthodox of neo-Darwinian theory. Of course, while there are people that want to strongly believe that all of these can be explained under self-organization processes as a means to refute intelligent design,  the greatest irony about their self-organization theories is that they already rely and pre-suppose already pre-existing genetic information.

There is no theory that can explain the information enigma better than intelligent design.


Great video. Another point to add regarding the combination lock: The combination lock is using ten numbers... 0-9 to be exact. This is syntax. Syntax is a precursor to information. Syntax in and of itself requires design.

For instance, the four base T's in DNA. This is syntax. How do the nucleotides "know" what they are in the four character GACT sequence? They can't possibly know. An example is this.... say you have a box of 100 magnetic refrigerator magnets. You dump them out on the floor and they "arrange" themselves to spell out a paragraph. Most evolutionist will say that's entirely possible. Now, let's say you have a box of 2, 000 small spherical pellets. You dump them out on the floor, and they "arrange" themselves to spell out the same paragraph, at approximately 20 pellets per alphanumeric character. Now this is very different.

You see in the first example, all the alphanumeric characters were "predefined". This is syntax. But how does a single pellet know to rearrange itself next to another pellet, to collectively create a letter "A" and then to do it further down the sequence line (the exact shape, angle, direction and amount of pellets)? It doesn't. It can't. Only an intelligent agent can form syntax, the precursor to intelligence to begin with.


Life at the molecular level can only be truly understood within the conceptual framework of *_INFORMATION PROCESSING, _* which in turn can only be truly understood within the conceptual framework of *_INTELLIGENCE._*
This is a straightforward, evidence-based *affirmative argument.*


It's not only the information. It's also the impossibility of a cell to self assemble from scratch


It just maybe as St Francis found:
" What's looking is what your looking for"

Awesome upload, Thank you for your hard work. I do hope mankind wakes up before it's way to late and we blow ourselves up. Life is so amazing, I see it as miracle beyond words.


The best short comment
I don't have enough faith to be an atheist


17:30 It's good that Meyer points out that the "Scientific Method" is different from the "historical scientific method", which is more forensic in nature and is what Darwin actually used. It is also called "multiple competing hypotheses" or "inferring to the best explanation."


Dont know if someone commented this already but the bike theif scenario goes further, it didn't take into account duplicate combinations. The theif would have a notebook so he doesn't enter the same combination twice, but nature has no such thing. Nature could duplicate the combination numerous times. Could go on for infinity. Oh and the theif would have to do it blindfolded to mimick what nature would have gone through


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. God is the source of the information, the wisdom and the knowledge.


Saying that Matter can cause information to arise is like saying that if i build my HD and put there for millions of years is going to generate every app that you see in the PC today! People believe some weird stuffs don't they?


As an electronics engineer, designer and multiple patent holder, biologists astound me. Teams of my folk toil for years to conceive, design and test to produce a working product. Yet as soon as we turn to biologic evolution, one is expected to throw out all practicality and observation at the feet of naturalism. Biologists need to understand the un-understandable, that is, they are faced with a level of complexity outside the realm of human capability to understanding it. Face up to it; reason and logic drives us to admit that what we observe in life is best described as intelligence acting on matter, like us engineers...!


Claim: DNA is a product of material, chemical processes with no evidence of being intlligently designed.
Response: The DNA molecule is a physical medium encoded with information which prescribes organisms. Since information is an non-material product of intelligence which cannot be produced by material processes, all organisms are a product of Intelligent Design.

1. DNA is a physical medium encoded with genetic information which prescribes the structural design and biochemistry of organisms.
2. Abiogenesis Theory is the concept that material, chemical processes caused the arrival of the first genetic information in the form of RNA and ultimately DNA.
3. Evolution Theory is the concept that material, chemical processes developed the genetic information which caused the arival of all organisms after the origin of the first cell.
4. Information is a non-material entity. It is not comprised of matter or a property of matter.
5. Material processes cannot produce that which is non-material.
6. The origin of information is a mind/intelligence.

Since all organisms are prescribed by information, and since Abiogenesis and Evolution theories posit that material, chemical processes have caused the arival of all organisms, Abiogenesis and Evolution theories are therefore false.

Properties of Genetic Information:
1. It is prescriptive - it prescribes the structural design and biochemistry of organisms
a. It prescribes function of proteins by prescribing their structural design, which determines their functions and relationships with other proteins and cell structures
b. It prescribes organismal features, such as organs, their arrangement in a body plan, and their relationship to each other
c. It prescribes the regulation of information expression in time (4th dimention of genetic information) to maintain and operate an organism
2. It possesses a code system which is the alphabet of it's language system
3. It possesses linguistics properties - phonetics, semantics, punctuation, syntax, and grammar
a. Language is physically represented by symbols
b. Symbolism is non-material - symbols represent objects, processess, or concepts which are external to themselves
c. The application of meaning to a symbol and interpretation of meaning from a symbol is a mental process, not a material process.
Minds apply meaning to matter, not the other way around.
d. It is illogical to apply mental properties to matter

Information is a non-material entity
1. Information is purposeful - it describes something meaningful such as data, function, concept, or process.
2. Information cannot be physically measured because it has no physical dimentions or mass - the concept of measuring one pound or one meter of information is nonsensical.
3. Information is not bound to whatever medium upon which it is encoded.
Example: The information in a book can be spoken or copied onto any other medium without the information changing in any way.
4. If information were comprised of or a property of matter, it would not be possible to convey information without relocation of the material medium upon which it is encoded.
a. Reading a book: If information and minds were both physical, it would be impossible to receive (read) the information in a book without relocating the materal of the book into the brain of the reader.
b. Reading a printed message to another person: If information and minds were both physical, it would be impossible to convey (read aloud) the information in a book without relocating the materal of the book into the brain of the listener.
c. Speaking to an audience: If information and minds were both physical, it would be impossible to share information to an audience without relocating the material of the provider's brain to the brains of the each member of the audience.


2 years later, and where are the Darwin trolls in the comment sections? It seems like you can only scream against reason for so long.


Message of the Video is God created and designed everything. Nothing, I mean nothing happens outside of his will and by chance.


It appears that in evolution, Darwin actually discovered a maintenance system rather than a creative system. Naturally occurring genetic variation allows all life forms to survive and adapt through time, to cope with environmental changes. Without these slight genetic variations, life would have been a rigid formula, unable to adapt and would have died out many millennia ago.


"you don't understand how evolution works" they say all the time. NO the ID movement understand the arguments very well, the real problem is that materialistic evolution is not a causally adequate explanation based on observation alone. But they can never concede this point

ID does a great job of answering a fool unto his folly. A very much needed restraint to the insanity that follows from throwing out the creator.


It's a great way to explain protein synthesis. Most of the proteins contain well over 150 amino acids, so the one they offered with 50 was even pretty simple by comparison. It's the ultimate chicken and egg question for the darwinists. You need DNA to form proteins and you need proteins to form DNA. But neither of them comes about without a living organism, yet you can't have a living organism without both proteins and DNA. I guess they need a few more "just so" stories to fill the gaps in the evidence. In fact, if you are planning on being a successful Evolutionary Biologist, you may want to think ahead and get an undergraduate degree in creative writing, because you're really just a story-teller at the end of the day. So, you may as well set yourself apart from the pack by being a really, really, good storyteller.


These guys are doing a great job and this video is yet another presentation of their very important contribution.
Stephen Meyer, at the brunt of the ID movement cuts a very admirable and influential figure.
And to the nay sayers: Bahh Humbug


The theory of "Evolution" and its allied hypotheses of "Abiogenesis" are the most fiendishly elaborate lies ever perpetrated on mankind.


materialism is the most stupid theory ever come up with. any child can understand design, it is incredible that we have to go through all the hassle to formalise ID, to any unbiased mind it is obvious there is a designer if presented with even a part of this incredibly precise and harmonious universe.
