Pokemon Sent Me ALL Their Plushies

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Pokemon sent me all of their new Gen 5 Unova pokemon plushes... so I ranked them all.

Thank you to the Pokemon Company for sending me all these guys :)

Edited By

♥ The Team ♥
Leslie V
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Music: Various Pokemon Songs
#jaidenanimations #pokemon #plushies
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So happy you got them safe and sound! Make sure to give each of them lots of love, Trainer! ♥


Jaiden’s drawings and animations have gotten so good lately it looks so realistic


Victini 4:16
Snivy 4:41
Servine 5:16
Tepig 6:02
Pignite 6:19
Embor 6:37
Oshawott 6:50
Dewott 7:28
Samurott 7:46
Seroerior 8:21
Patrat 8:49
Watchdog 8:25
Lilipup 9:55
Herdier 10:24
Stooutland 10:46
Purrloin 11:05
Liepard 11:37
Pansage 11:55
Semisage 12:36
Pansear 13:05
Simisear 13:34
Panpour 14:00
Semipour 14:27
Munna 14:55
Musharna 15:15
Pidove 15:34
Tranquill 16:19
Unfezant 16:37
Blitzle 17:18
Zebstrika 17:53
Roggenrola 18:28
Boldore 19:02
Gigalith 19:32
Woobat 20:27
Swoobat 20:46
Drilbur 21:14
Excadrill 21:46
Audino 22:36
Timburr 22:49
Gurdurr 23:11
Conkeldurr 23:54
Tympole 24:30
Palpitoad 24:46
seismitoad 25:05
Sawk & Throh 25:33
Sewaddle 26:08
Swadloon 26:31
Leavanny 26:49
Venipede 27:02
Whirlipede 27:26
Scolipede 27:44
Cottonee 28:07
Whimsicott 28:40
Petilil 29:16
Liligant 29:40
Basculin 30:04
Sandile 30:28
Krokorok 30:55
Krookodile 31:06
Darumaka 31:32
Darmanitan 31:50
Maractus 32:32
Dwebble 33:11
Crustle 33:37
Scraggy 34:04
Scrafty 34:27
Sigilyph 34:48
Yamask 35:18
Crustle (again) 35:42
Cofagrigus 36:13
Tirtouga 36:48
Carracosta 37:25
Archen 38:11
Archeops 38:44
Trubbish 39:16
Garbodor 39:48
Zorua 40:25
Zoroarck 40:49
Minccino 41:35
Cinccino 42:09
Gothita 42:58
Gothorita 43:24
Gothitelle 43:40
Solosis 44:42
Duosion 45:00
Reunicliss 45:17
Ducklett 45:57
Swanna 46:19
Vanillish 46:48
Vanillite 47:28
Vanilluxe 47:53
Deerling (all of them) 48:24
Sawsbuck (all of them) 49:07
Emolga 49:59
Karrablast 50:33
Escavalier 51:16
Foongus 51:41
Amoogus 52:08
Firllish 52:25
Jellicent 52:43
Alomomola 53:35
Joltick 54:03
Galvantula 55:29
Ferroseed 56:00
Ferrothorn 56:30
Klink 56:57
Klang 57:24
Klinklang 57:34
Tynamo 58:01
Electrik 58:26
Eelektross 58:44
Elgyem 59:24
Beheeyem 59:52
Litwick 1:00:11
Lampent 1:00:28
Chandelure 1:01:04
Axew 1:01:40
Fraxure 1:02:11
Haxorus 1:02:33
Cubchoo 1:03:15
Beartic 1:03:30
Crygonal 1:03:48
Shelmet 1:04:09
Accelgor 1:04:27
Stunfisk 1:04:50
Meinfoo 1:05:08
Meinshao 1:05:33
Druddigon 1:05:50
Golett 1:06:20
Golurk 1:06:48
Pawniyard 1:07:19
Bisharp 1:07:46
Bouffalant 1:08:20
Rufflet 1:08:46
Braviary 1:09:11
Vullaby 1:09:35
Mandibuzz 1:09:58
Heatmor 1:10:20
Durant 1:11:14
Deino 1:11:37
Zwelious 1:11:52
Hydregion 1:12:17
Larvestra 1:12:49
Volcarona 1:13:10
Cobalion 1:13:34
Terrakion 1:13:57
Virizion 1:14:32
Tornadus (both forms) 1:15:03
Thundurus (both forms) 1:15:36
Reshiram 1:16:20
Zekrom 1:16:39
Landorus (both forms) 1:17:08
Kyurem (all forms) 1:18:00
Keldeo (straight and gay form) 1:18:58
Meloetta (both forms) 1:19:49
Genesect 1:20:19


I tried buying all of these and got banned from the site because they thought I was a bot. 🙃


I find it incredibly wholesome how Jaiden is just.. friends with the entire Pokémon company


I watch this video weekly while i sit in my bed crocheting for hours. It keeps me from getting distracted and calms me a lot. I don't even know anything about pokemon


When she’s talking about Crusle’s feet dangling 33:58 the alligator Pokémon (forgot his name) is staring into my soul, even as I write this he there always watching always waiting


I love how Jaiden went from being scared to show her face to making an hour long unboxing video. Keep up the great work!


Love how Jaiden started out the video going in-depth about how a primary factor of her tier placement would be based on how well the plush sits on a shelf, then immediately proceeds to throw all that out, putting her biases that dont sit up in S-Tier and the perfect sitters she doesnt like far below.

To be honest, I can respect it and would do the same.


10:08 i love the look on the cat's face, so cute... and a little confused about what you guys are doing.


Gen 5 was what I grew up with, and this is throwing me through the wildest nostalgia ride. The music in this video feels like a video, I’m going more emotional than when I beat the Elite 4 for the first time 🫶


Pokemon timestamps:
Victini 4:16
Snivy 4:40
Servine 5:15
Tepig 6:01
Pignite 6:17
Emboar 6:37
Oshawott 6:47
Dewott 7:26
Samurott 7:44
Serperior 8:20
Patrat 8:47
Watchog 9:24
Lillipup 9:55
Herdier 10:22
Stoutland 10:44
Purrloin 11:05
Liepard 11:37
Pansage 11:56
Simisage 12:33
Pansear 13:05
Simisear 13:33
Panpour 13:59
Simipour 14:27
Munna 14:55
Musharna 15:16
Pidove 15:35
Tranquill 16:18
Unfezant 16:45
Blitzle 17:17
Zebstrika 17:54
Roggenrola 18:28
Boldore 19:03
Gigalith 19:33
Woobat 20:29
Swoobat 20:45
Drilbur 21:16
Excadrill 21:46
Audino 22:35
Timburr 22:49
Gurdurr 23:11
Conkeldurr 23:54
Tympole 24:30
Palpitoad 24:46
Seismitoad 25:07
Throh and Sawk 25:34
Sewaddle 26:08
Swadloon 26:29
Leavanny 26:46
Venipede 27:01
Whirlipede 27:24
Scolipede 27:44
Cottonee 28:06
Whimsicott 28:41
Petilil 29:15
Lilligant 29:40
Basculin (Red and Blue) 30:00
Sandlie 30:28
Krokorok 30:56
Krookodile 31:05
Darumaka 31:30
Darmanitan (Standard and Zen) 31:53
Maractus 32:32
Dwebble 33:12
Crustle 33:37
Scraggy 34:05
Scrafty 34:26
Sigilyth 34:48
Yamask 35:24
Cofagrigus 36:12
Tirtouga 36:50
Carracosta 37:26
Archen 38:10
Archeops 38:44
Trubbish 39:17
Garbodor 39:49
Zorua 40:24
Zoroark 40:52
Minccino 41:38
Cinccino 42:09
Gothita 43:00
Gothorita 43:23
Gothitelle 43:41
Solosis 44:42
Duosion 45:00
Reuniclus 45:18
Ducklett 45:57
Swanna 46:18
Vanillish 46:49 (She mistakes it for Vanillite)
Vanillite 47:34
Vanilluxe 47:53
Deerling (All seasons) 48:24
Sawsbuck (All seasons) 49:10
Emolga 49:59 (My favourite)
Karrablast 50:35
Escavalier 51:17
Foongus 51:42
Foongus's evolution 52:07
Frillish 52:24
Jellicent 52:43
Alomomola 53:35
Joltik 54:05
Galvantula 55:26
Ferroseed 56:00
Ferrothorn 56:31
Klink 56:57
Klang 57:24
Klinklang 57:34
Tynamo 58:03
Eelektrick 58:25
Eelektross 58:48
Elgyem 59:24
Beheeyem 59:51
Litwick 1:00:11
Lampent 1:00:28
Chandelure 1:01:04
Axew 1:01:41
Fraxure 1:02:13
Haxorus 1:02:35
Cubchoo 1:03:17
Beartic 1:03:30
Cryogonal 1:03:50
Shelmet 1:04:11
Accelgor 1:04:27
Stunfisk 1:04:51
Mienfoo 1:05:09
Meinshao 1:05:34
Druddigon 1:05:50
Golett 1:06:20
Golurk 1:06:49
Pawniard 1:07:20
Bisharp 1:07:45
Bouffalant 1:08:20
Rufflet 1:08:50
Braviary 1:09:12
Vullaby 1:09:36
Mandibuzz 1:09:57
Heatmor 1:10:22
Durant 1:11:16
Deino 1:11:36
Zweilous 1:11:53
Hydreigon 1:12:17
Larvesta 1:12:52
Volcarona 1:13:11
Cobalion 1:13:35
Terrakion 1:14:00
Virizion 1:14:33
Tornadus (Incarnate and Therian) 1:15:04
Thundurus (Incarnate and Therian) 1:15:35
Reshiram 1:16:21
Zekrom 1:16:40
Landorus (Incarnate and Therian) 1:17:08
Kyurem (Unfused, Black and White) 1:17:59
Keldeo (Ordinary and Resolute) 1:19:00
Meloetta (Aria and Pirouette) 1:19:50
Genesect 1:20:22

Three hours, reduced to atoms...
Enjoy the timestamps

Thx for the heart Jaiden!
Great vid!

Ah crap I didn't realise editing removed the heart...
Doesn't matter tho cause I somehow missed servine and I'd rather have a complete list than have a funny internet symbol


i was watching this while playing pokémon violet and the moment she ranked Larvesta was the same moment i found it in game :D very cool video!!


This was one of the best Videos i ever watched from you 💫💫 I Enjoyed your ranking


Jaiden using "little guy" "tiny man" "silly" "goofy" as endearing terms to express her affection is so real of her


I love how Jaiden basically has Pokemon’s company’s blessing


Jaiden casually living my childhood dream of catching all the plushies


Ads are usually annoying, but having them be Pokémon ads made it better 😂


Jaidn: making a C and D tier feels too mean
Also Jaidn: *banishes Pokémon to the realm of untouchables*


Jaiden is like a child trying to explain to a parent why they need this toy.
