Did the #olympics go too far? Is all change good? #olympic2024 #paris more in the comments

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How times have changed… (or maybe we’re just going in circles?) I’m all for being open minded and for being compassionate. But it’s important we aren’t so open minded our brains fall out. Sacred by definition means set apart. Things aren’t set apart if everything’s included and praised. Give me something worth working and fighting for. It’s one thing to be proud of your accomplishments, it’s another to be prideful. The Olympic flame to me represents self control, discipline, something sacred and fierce. That arrow speaks of focus and resilience. The stark contrast in 2024 to me, is one of arrogance and pride. Entitled demands to be not only tolerated and accepted, but admired and praised. but on what grounds?
Is there anything sacred anymore? Maybe some things should have stayed in the ancient world. Perversion and lust aren’t new. It’s plagued humanity for as long as we know. Shackling us to our earthly desires. A longing to be seen. Accepted. Different. To exist. But where is the line? If everything is allowed, if all things are not only tolerated but praised, if we don’t stand for (or against) some thing, aren’t we falling for everything?
Perhaps to our own demise?

#olympics #olympics2024 #paris


I'm sorry, people may have something to say about what I'm about to say but this world has gone way too far. This is not appropriate. It's disturbing and disgusting. When I was a child I couldn't wait to watch the Olympics. If this kind of thing had happened in the 80s, there would have been an uprising. Children should not be exposed to everything this world is trying to subject them to. I don't want my grandkids to think this is ok. Showing you adult bodies to children is not ok. Men dancing around half naked because they "claim" they're women is not ok. Women showing their bodies is not ok. What happened to dignity, self respect and respect for others. And what about all this satanic crap they keep displaying? I've dealt with evil. It's not what the people want in their lives, they just don't know it yet. Once it's there it's hard to get rid of it.


I think that the French people, by virtue of paying over 8 billion dollars to host the summer games of the Olympics, have earned the right to showcase how they see themselves and how they want to present themselves to the world in the opening ceremony of the games. For that is what we’re talking about. The games in and of themselves are the same as ever. The current controversy is regarding the inauguration event. I also think that the discussion is framed through the perspective of the culture wars in the United States, which do not necessarily translate to current social situation in France. The opening ceremony celebrated their culture and the culture of the Greek gods upon which the games originated. It is the Olympics, as in the Olympian gods, a pagan celebration. Besides, we’re talking about Paris. Remember Je suis Charlie? Where do we draw the line of sacredness, especially of business enterprise as the multi billion-dollar Olympics. Is it sacred for Daniel Craig to interpret James Bond, a symbol of imperialism, in a sketch with the actual Queen of England in the 2012 London summer games ceremony? Is it sacred for Mr. Bean to try to make us laugh playing the piano during the same 2012 games? Is it sacred that the flame bearer that lit the fire be an athlete who was born on Hiroshima the day the atomic bomb detonated, condemning it as a political statement during the Tokyo games of 64? We got a great show of Death Metal live combined with opera, great body performers, a banquet to the gods right out of a painting, a trip to the library filled with classics, we saw young people fooling around. If it’s not a celebration of humanity, a festivity, a spectacle of games, both in body and spirit, then what are we celebrating? Ruthless competitiveness? Solemn displays of physical prowess?


I'm sorry, but what was the shocking part? Dionysus? The overweight lady? Honest question, I really want to know


Way out of line and nothing to do with the spirit of Olympics. This should not go unchallenged.


I did enjoy the young folk dancing, real eclectic mix of the French population. But people aren’t stupid, everyone is welcome we know that. Don’t undermine our expectations or our love for competition.


Way to far you have a convicted paedophile as a competitor did a year in prison victims do a life sentence, speaking regrettably from experience x


What happened to the Olympics being an event where the world's greatest amateur athletes come together and compete for medals? Now, it's another grooming event meant to show your kids that it's just as normal as apple pie for the alphabet club to host the Olympics. They're in our classrooms, in our government, at our sporting events, dancing in our streets and there is no way for our children to escape the constant exposure of "this is normal". This is why so many of our youth are so confused and so lost. My heart bleeds for our country. We have taken a dark path.


I agree. It's a shame because it takes away from the brilliant athletes who have worked so hard, people they could be highlighting. And to let men into the women's categories (I mean boxing, really?!) is such a disgrace. When you include men in women's spaces and categories, you exclude women. Let us women have our spaces, our bodies, our womanhood because it is what we fought for.


Good point... and what are the next steps if we continue like this?


As a gay man and Christian I found this to be tasteless and an embarrassment. As you stated the Olympics need to be inclusive but using something so sacred to so many as a clap-back will only do the opposite of being accepted and included. Unfortunately, the damage done by this one act will negate thousands of positive acts. The use of satire during the Olympics was the wrong stage to do so. Please keep in mind that drag-queens do not represent the 99% of gays/homosexuals who are not drag-queens. I only wish there was this much condemnation of anti-gay legislation and blatant discrimination.


Couldn’t agree more! I’m happy to know you feel this way, and on my side and I’m on yours! These disgusting people have issues and have nothing else to do but to show up at the Olympics to get their recognition! It’s a sad world we are living in now, with no common sense or Godly morals!


I may add that I’m writing to you from a country were a few days prior to us hosting the summer Olympics, the national army massacred university students for the sake of keeping up appearances. And it was the same summer games where black US athletes raised their fists and were expelled from the games. This is what I mean by treating the games as a celebration. As I heard a commentator say, Muslim fundamentalist could be offended to see unveiled female athletes, my Opus Dei school teachers could be offended from not having a catholic mass celebrated prior to the games, orthodox Jews could be offended for games being celebrated on Saturdays, and on goes the list.


I am revolted by this. Jesus told us to turn the other cheek. OK, I will, Jesus has been mocked before by power this time by mindless idiots. Respect for what good people hold sacred is a tenet of a moral, tolerant society the people involved are not worthy of my anger, but…


