My Step-by-Step Process for Creating a YouTube Video

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After making thousands of YouTube videos over the past 12 years, I've tried many different processes for how to consistently make YouTube videos on a regular schedule for my various channels. In this video I show you my exact, step-by-step process for how I do it today with the help of a producer and video editor. You may not have a producer nor a video editor on your team, which is fine. At least the process we use may help you fill in some of the important gaps in your video creation, editing, uploading, and publishing routine so your videos perform better than they may right now.


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I know it feels like this video is only valuable for those who have a team, so I should've mentioned that I followed a similar process when I was a "one man band." The only difference is that there's more people in the process now so my time is freed up to focus on the business side of the channel -- the stuff that actually allows me to keep making free videos. Hopefully this video helps you find any gaps in your process so you can create better content, even if you're the only person working on your channel. Everyone starts there. :)


Wow, it's so interesting to see your process from conception to publication. It's such an involved process, and I don't think many people realize that until they "go behind the scenes, " especially when you have a team and multiple things going on at once. Anyway, thanks so much for sharing! :-)


Great video Tim and team. I really love the honesty and the sharing of what you do. A lot of people would hold what you have just shared with us very close to your chest.

It is also great to see how much you have grown in the last 18 months or so.


Keep doing what you are doing. It's awsome.


I have started my Art channel and it’s just been 6 months. I am Dubai based Artist and I have 7 years of experience in Painting but what content to show on my videos, what not to do and what to do is challenging for me as a starter. I am learning a lot from you. Thank you!


Oh, to have a team. Sadly my cats have no interest in learning how to edit video.


Thank you so much for doing this video. I now know all the effort and processes that you go through and it made me realize that I need to do a lot more work in figuring out my titles and things BEFORE I shoot my video instead of afterwards. I have to admit that I haven’t been doing my homework before filming other than thinking of an idea which makes sense that I’ve been doing it backwards.


Really interesting to see your workflow. I would love to see more videos that go more into depth of each creation process! Awesome content as always :)


I love that you have help! I desperately need it! My husband helps me with all designs but as far as the editing and preparing the video with tags, etc. That slows me down. great job everyone!!


This is such a great informative video. I love how you all work together. I hope to have a team to help with videos one day because it is a LOT of work for one person.


This is very interesting and much more complex than I expected.


For my "vlog in a day" video (#6), I started at 12:00, and I had it uploaded exactly at 00:00. This includes driving to the location (1h total to and back), shooting the material (probably around 3 hours), having some lunch and dinner (like two hours), and editing my footage (the major part which consists of 5h). It took about 1h to export. Now that's without designing a great thumbnail. The footage is "only" 5 minutes long... imagine if I'd make a travel video lol. Eventhough this video does apply more to people who have a team, I do believe it shows that it takes a lot of time and effort to make a vlog. People only see what the outcome is, but never what has been put in. So either way, good job on showing us the process. That helps putting things in perspective for people that watch our vlogs.


Thanks for sharing, this is so interesting! I research, script, shoot, upload, thumbnail and SEO. I add cards and an end screen, schedule the video and then when it's published advertise it across social media.


Excellent video! And your Editor mentioning that she create’s a version for Facebook in square format had me realize that yes indeed, your Facebook videos are square format. But why? Just to differenciate them between YT and FB? Or because square format on FB is more successful for clicks and views? Or maybe better for mobile viewing? I know at one time square format was the norm on Facebook, for Live videos and all, but 16:9 is now also widely used. So that’s why I’m curious about your preference for the square format?


Great behind the scenes advice. It’s nice to see your process and team. Need to implement some of your ideas for my channel. Thanks!


I saw the cartoon you had in your video and that would really make a great addition to my videos. It's fun it's cool and since I know how to make them in After Effects it'll be fun! Thanks for sharing this info. I Use to work for a few other YouTubers as a video editor and and videographer so I understand the whole process. I can't wait to build my team for my videos. It's just cool to see that other people on YouTube are doing it the same way.


Tim, Great work with this video. thanks for your honest opinion and hard work to help other you-tubers out there. Quick Q. I didn't you anything on Sub-title and translations on your steps, however. Is it because you dont use those features? The reason i asked this is because Its very important for my channel because of the fact that the majority of my audiences are from Outside US.


Really nice to see how you and your team works together to get a video out. Very interesting.


My comment made it on the video!!! Another great video man. Once again learned A LOT!! 15 titles?!? I would’ve never guessed. Looks like I have more work to do than I already do. So glad I subscribed. If you’re reading this and you’re not subscribed you’re only cheating yourself!


After my cat watches the video without walking away, I upload.


Really helpful video Tim. Thanks for helping us! Any chance to do a video about all those video settings we never pay attention to? Are we missing something because we don't know what we don't know?
