EP: 432 10 Ways to Preserve Food Homesteading 101 Series

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Join me as I continue on in this Homesteading 101 Series (Back to the Basics). Today’s episode is all about the basics of preserving. There are ten different methods I’ll discuss in today’s podcast, listed in order from what I consider to be the easiest to the most difficult.

I truly believe in layering on skillsets to help prevent overwhelm. If you’re new to preserving, this podcast will be a treasure trove of information and tips for getting started.

Time Stamps:

0:00 - Introduction
4:16 - Freezing
10:58 - Cold Storage/Root Cellar
16:21 - Dehydrating
19:06 - Water Bath/Steam Canning
23:24 - Pressure Canning
26:38 - Fermentation
28:58 - Extracts
30:23 - Salt Curing Herbs
32:02 - Salt Curing Meat
33:03 - Freeze Drying



My Books:


Howdy! I'm so glad you're here. I'm Melissa from Pioneering Today and a 5th generation homesteader where I'm doing my best to hold onto the old traditions in a modern world and share them with others.

Click any of the below links for FREE resources and training to help you on your homestead!


#foodpreservation #preservingfood #preservationmethods
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much for the devotionals you do, they are very inspiring. God bless you and your family


Set a timer for half hour before that class on Monday and put the link to it in the note for the alarm 😅

Thanks for bringing up that section of Daniel.
Our country could use all the interceding prayers people can give now


I would love some information on baking biscuits from the freezer.


Have you ever though about how native americans had food over the winter. I found that they used the three sister planting but what most people don't think about is that you can make parched corn that keeps you full for over night hours if you drink a large amount of water. But you have to use this info sparingly or if the water is limited and you still want to just hold off drinking til you can save somewhere and I know that if you clarify butter it is able to keep your butter shelf stable for many years, and you can keep it outside of the freezer or fridge. Plus the smoking point is like 200 times more than if you use fire. But heres a none tested by the government aggentcy to say it is safe to place you meat in the clarified butter to keep it fresh and not allow it to root because it locks out the air that allows the meat to go bad. But clarified butter has a nutt flavor


Hi. Thank you so much for this. I am just getting started in my homesteading journey. I just saw this video today, so I missed the webinar. Is there a way to view it now?


I'm trying to locate the few podcasts you mentioned within this video, one is the Brandon Shear salt cure, but I'm having a tough time locating them. Can you share links to your podcasts/videos that are specific mentions? I tried searching on your website but still cant find the ones you referenced. Thank you so much!! 💞


I really want a freeze dryer but the only place I have for one is my kitchen, right by the stove. I hear it's really noisy and puts out some heat. Do I remember you living in a double wide, where do you put yours?


Link to the training gives an error ? Is there a better link?
