Learn C# with these 9 LINES OF CODE - Unity Tutorial!

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0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Xsolla Promo
1:24 - Variables
4:17 - GetComponent()
6:08 - Instantiate()
7:52 - Destroy()
9:27 - Loops
13:35 - If/else
16:04 - Input.GetAxisRaw()
18:59 - Vector2.MoveTowards()
21:00 - OnTriggerEnter2D()
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As a complete beginner that's watched a couple of 1+ hour tutorials on c#, this 25 minute tutorial was without a doubt the best. Learned so much. Thank you!


people always say "just read the unity documentation" but as a person with NO coding background whatsoever, it's hard af to understand. your video is so good and easily understandable. thank you


I suffered for 1 year in c# and when I finally learned c# I found this.

Give my 1 year back


First I thought it's a click bait, but absolutley not. This will help many people.
I like especially how you start from basics and step by step end at enemy collision detection :D


I think, I think you did it. You made the ultimate Unity tutorial. This is simple and amazing, never seen anything better!


My wife and I have begun developing games (I was in game design in school but remember very little from nearly 2 decades ago), and a problem we both have is we're artist, thus very visual learners. While working on a piece of her game, she was getting frustrated with the fact she might have to learn a little bit of C# in order to move a character with isometric movement that she would wind up crying having to look at the code at all. I woke her up at 4 AM this morning, asking her if she wanted to learn C# in 9 lines of code with your video, and she broke down crying again, but because she understood absolutely everything. She's currently exercising and is ready to LUNGE into working with C#. I cannot explain to how how much this helped us, and we are now permanent subscribers and are binging everything on your channel. So thank you SO much.


Me after watching the whole video:

You know, I'm something of a Brackeys myself


This guy has taught more than enough content in 25 mins, which huge bootcamp courses and semesters of university education fell short in teaching !!


These terms were hard for me when I started but now they seems to be very easy


I was thinking of creating a list to remember all the important codes, but you have already done that for me =). The most helpful video I have seen in a while.


I've seen vectors used in so many tutorials but this finally made them make sense with the movement and input explanation. Thanks so much very well done!


I have been learning for a little over a year and this video would of been so helpful at the beginning. Its a great overview of the interaction of objects and how the system communicates which is what I did not understand I the beginning. Amazing video im sure this will help many people grasp these concepts better.


It's actually crazy how well this video explained to me how C# works. It's obviously not everything, but it's basically one of the best jumping off points for code I've ever seen. Well done!


This is one of the most helpful C# tutorials I have seen! an absolute blessing for this type of content


I literally just started using Unity a couple of days ago, and already this has answered so many questions! This was great for introducing me to these so that I'll know what to look for and use, plus the explanations here are very clear. Thank you!


Starting out with learning C#, this is exactly the video I needed to watch and be able to come back to. There are some things that are summed up, but the core mechanics I needed to learn are here. Thank you!


Great video, thank you for putting this together! Just getting into Unity, about 10 hours in, and this clears up a lot. Explains a lot of the basics with a direct example to see it in action.


Great tutorial, absolute beginner stuff and you kept it on that level. It was very easy to understand and I always understood what everything meant. Unlike some other tutorials which might not explain everything or are trying to teach some way too complicated things in a beginner level tutorial. Thanks a lot!


This tutorial is buetiful, much much better than all other ones I've seen. You explained everything three times: first time you said what the line does and how to write the syntax for it, you showed how to write it a second time when you showed yourself applying it to an actual project, and then you also showed the result. By far the best tutorial I've seen.


dude!!! this video is freaking helpful. just watching this makes me realize ways to write code to things i didnt think i could do before!
