The Making of EVE Echoes - Developers' Video 2020

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Come along with the devs as we experience the three-year journey that brought us from a concept to the full launch of EVE Echoes!
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what I think has been since inception the most sophisticated game ever created since the creation of capitalism, eve echoes is now probably the most sophisticated game ever brought to mobile. I hereby christen my devices the EvePhone and EvePad!!!


They did a great job, LOVE EVE ECHOES!


Game is great! Couldn’t believe how well it works on my phone. Would be awesome to see a Nintendo Switch version. (A Mac version would be cool too, but I can play the full Eve Online there)


I can see there are true EVE fanbois in the dev team which is super important for the game. I absolutely love how the devs keep the original EVE approach to the communication with the players.
I won't write a long text how I was continuously disappointed in many games I tried previously, I'm here to say thanks for the game.

Great job guys!
You're doing it right!


> If Chinese civilization continued in the distant future for twenty thousand years, what would it be?

The same, but *more* Ancient!


Still waiting for DUST 514's successor


Special Thanks goes out to the Developers!! Looking forward to one day meeting you all in The Expanse.


Fix/adjust the rifter such an iconic ship needs some love in the tech tree.


Wow, you are all great and you have all of my respect for the brilliant work. I love your philosophy and how you carry it obviously in your work, passion and life. Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️


If this is free to play, why certain features behind the paywall ?


Well this is a real MMO for mobiles, this will gonna be on PlayStore Top list!


I'm still getting used to the interface changes from the first beta, but I like the changes, so far. I like the one tap battle setup too because there's a little less triggering my anxiety during the moment. I thought, at first, I would need to babysit it, but it's not as crucial & I appreciate that. PVP is not something I like and I'm happy there's plenty of other ways to play the game and still be a contributing, valuable citizen of New Eden. Good job, Devs!🎉🎈😁


I had started playing eve Echoes since 3 days after it came out and spent alot of money to help support the game because I think it will be awesome to play. But I have had an issue come up where some items seem to have disappeared from my ships hanger and explained this to them and gave them all the pics of in game mail showing that I had bought this items and pics of all my personal assets and checked my ships hanger and told them which character it was on my account and doing all this while having to keep opening a new ticket because they don't want to take the time to confirm anything on there own by looking into my account. You can only only give them little more then a paragraph of info because tickets don't let you say much and you can only attach up to 6 pics at a time. Plus they will just reply with one sentence and tell you to start a new ticket because they can't keep the trend of info going in one ticket. Also it takes at least a day or 2 before they even reply to you. I'm already on my 6th ticket for the same issue and they are still telling me to keep checking stuff i already checked. I have stop playing and only signed in to collect my daily because I'm afraid they will say they was to much activity on the account to figure out where the issue happened. How are you expected to want to keep playing a game that can't even help someone that spent alot of there money to help it grow because you look forward to keep playing and the customer service just wants to keep talking in circles until you want to give up trying to get your issues resolved or answers on what happened? Guys if your out there going through what I'm going through waiting over 2 weeks for something to be fixed before they just keep talking in circles then please stand up and say something so they start doing more to help the customers otherwise they will just keep taking our money and then push us around until we are tired off pushing back. Please let me know how you guys feel about what I said and if you agree


2:39 "in a powerful game engine - NeoX"
At 2:00 I thought it looked a lot like Unity Editor. I already found it interesting that they seemed to be using the graphics debugger in Visual Studio. First I thought they might have just been using it to create exports, but yeah... no play button or layout buttons, so I suppose it might just be the tabbed UI style that makes it look so much like Unity.

I'm still curious how they're using a graphics debugger in Visual Studio for a mobile game. I suppose it might not be a debugger afterall ^_^


6:34 "using smooth surfaces and symmetrical designs"
Can-Yue Battleship: wtf is symmetrical in my design then? I look like only the right side is completed but engineers said "that's it, we're done here, go fly her"

BTW, I can't wait to see a Titan. I can't wait to see a Titan blow up. I hope it's not MY Titan blowing up tho lol


I hope the game will stay for many year


I liked the game....until I got locked in my sector because every gate was locked down. Two days. It’s a great concept for a game. I think it’s as close to reality if you gave humans immortality and set them loose in space. Basically, it’s a world of “I’m going to screw you over as much as I possibly can.” The lack of decency is acute. The developers set the stage, and I’m not surprised this was the end result. I don’t necessarily think it’s a complete reflection of humanity, it’s a reflection of the developer’s ideals.


1 more year and eve online would be of legal age.... To vote, of course! 🙊😂😂😂😂😂


Fix your customer support! All they do is automatic close tickets. I have found bugs and some impacted me. I have submitted the same ticket 3 times and the first time they asked where do i lose my ship. Uh it was a market bug.


I have been playing Eve Online for 6 years now and in my opinion Echoes is a whole different game. It's only a small portion of "Eve experience" they promised. In Eve Online you had full freedom choosing your character's skill you wanted emphasize on. In Echoes, they just made it linear; every body starts with the same line of skills and weaponery. There's no more of that large-scale feeling of Eve, just an 1000 player limit which sucks. Actually when I joined Echoes for the first time, I actually thought it would be like the original one, but I was wrong and disappointed...
