Is Hypnosis A Complete Hoax?

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The authenticity of hypnotism has been questioned since it began in the 18th century. Does hypnosis really work or is it all just a hoax?

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Hypnotism Act 1952
"An Act to regulate the demonstration of hypnotic phenomena for purposes of public entertainment."

Franz Anton Mesmer
"The modern era of hypnosis and hypnotherapy really begins with Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), the Viennese physician who left the word "mesmerism" to posterity. For various reasons, he also gave hypnosis the rather unsalubrious reputation that still persists in some quarters today."

Brain Activity And Functional Connectivity Associated With Hypnosis
"Hypnosis has proven clinical utility, yet changes in brain activity underlying the hypnotic state have not yet been fully identified. Previous research suggests that hypnosis is associated with decreased default mode network (DMN) activity and that high hypnotizability is associated with greater functional connectivity between the executive control network (ECN) and the salience network (SN). We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate activity and functional connectivity among these three networks in hypnosis."


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theres a flaw with your hypnosis there, i was already subscribes so i ended up clicking again resulting in unsubscribing


whenever I see boobs it's instant hypnosis for me and I usually end up with an empty wallet.


A study with a sample of 57 people? Very convincing.


Alright, someone hypnotize me so I can prove it for myself, simple


This is the same "state of focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness" I had in my Political Science and History of Contemporary Art classes.


I'm waiting for someone to make a predictable cringey 'I will hypnotize you to LIKE my comment' comment...


You're driving alone, down a long, straight, not very busy road. A freeway, perhaps. Constant speed, maybe some sort of repetitive music on the radio, the hum of the engine. This is where you'll highly likely enter a hypnotic state. You'll carry on driving safely, but your mind will drift into a dreaminess. The same thing happens to production line workers, who spend hours upon hours performing the same task like clockwork. When the routine is broken, you suddenly snap out of the state and perhaps even be amazed at how much work you've produced, given that you have no memory of doing it and you know that you were not concentrating at all. So, yes, hypnotic states do exist. And that is just one example of many types of hypnosis. Certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, medically induce hypnotic states. In the most basic sense, hypnosis is where conscious behaviour is replaced, on some level, with automation. For instance, you've been constantly breathing in and out your entire life, but you do not do so consciously. And this, again, is an example of how hypnotic states do exist. However, stage hypnosis and the like is pretty much entirely fake. The reason it appears to work is down to any number of reasons, including stooging the entire show or using genuine volunteers who are simply attention seekers who wilfully play along because the "hypnotist" provides reassurance that he and the audience believe that they genuinely are hypnotised. That's why some subjects are weeded out as being not susceptible, they are basically the ones who question the lies. There are resisters and responders in ever crowd, the "hypnotist" just keeps the ones who are willing to pretend.


But how does an fMRI scan really tell us anything about whether or not it's not a self imposed or learned response? Just because these people were in a some state of focus does not seem to say anything about whether this is just an effect of what the hypnotized individual believes is happening (sort of like a placebo effect) rather than an actual effect of the hypnotist's technique.


2:12 to 2:33, the video gets desynced, anyone else notice this?


It's almost a paradox.  Hypnosis is manipulating you into believing something is going on which isn't, but if it's a hoax, then they're manipulating you into believing that they've manipulated you into believing something, which they haven't actually done... but they have.  I may not be putting it into words well, but I hope my point got across anyway.


I'm not sure that hypnosis is illegal in the UK, I live here and we have Derren brown who regularly does live hypnosis to hypnotise the audience, however there is always a disclaimer at the start of the show about it so I think it's tightly regulated


It’s very simple. If you believe something works then it basically works. The placebo effect.


Thanks for including the comment about meditation. I took a course in self-hypnosis some years ago, and felt it was very closely related.


"if you live in UK you might have no idea what i am talking about..." yeah like there is a person in UK that havent heard about Derren Brown... seems more to me like you have no idea what you are talking about...


I think they relaxed the laws on hypnosis over here in the U.K. in the early nineties. That's how Paul McKenna got his big break. We can watch people hypnotized for entertainment purposes, we just can't see the induction.


I've never been hypnotized but I've seen shows about the entertainers who pick a bunch of people from the audience and hypnotize them all at once on stage. Afterwords the people claim they weren't in control but I just don't buy it. The hypnotist hardly does anything and he's got them stripping down, pretending they're eating an ice cream cone, all while the floor is on fire. I think if I ever went up there I'd be patiently waiting for the act to be done. Possibly 1 on 1 hypnotic treatments can have an effect if you're open to it but not "1 2 3 you're hypnotized" on stage.


I have a disorder called aphantasia, which essentially renders me with an absolutely blind/deaf/etc imagination. I also cannot be hypnotised in the slightest. I believe these peculiarities are related and that the sensory imagination is very important to hypnosis - and also meditation for the record. It would be interesting were there a study that included the data from vididness of visual imagery tests (for aphantasia) in similar experiments on hypnosis.


"you are getting sleepy" *watches vid at 1 am*


I was dozing off man, why did you scream "WAKE UP !" ?? 😂


I'd quote a line from Hypnotize but I'm too lazy to look up the lyrics right now.
