11/06/2022 - From Sorrow to Joy, John 16:16-28, Shawn Reese
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As we have been walking through the upper room discourse in John, we’ve spent much of our time learning about the Holy Spirit, the one whom Jesus calls the Paraclete. As Jesus brings his discourse to a close, he spends considerable time sharing about two great gifts the Holy Spirit brings: joy and peace. In our text this week, Jesus says that our sorrow will be transformed into joy, and no one will take this joy from us. What incredible words! Where in your life has the Spirit given you joy, maybe even through sorrow or in the midst of sorrow? At the end of our service, we will have a time of Body Life, so we can hear how the Spirit is working in you, the PBCC body, right now. Shawn Reese is preaching, Jamie Kelly hosts, and Drew Hsi and team lead us in worship.