War Thunder - P-51: The Altitude Advantage (Lite New Player Tutorial)

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War Thunder - P-51: The Altitude Advantage Unspaded American Edition (Lite New Player Tutorial)

So after the interest generated in my last Altitude advantage video I decided to make another. The two complaints I received the most where "Japan gets an air spawn on that map" and "Ki-44 is not all that bad a climber, How are you meant to get a poor climb rate aircraft to altitude".
Both of these where very valid so enter the P-51, One of the worst climbing BR 3.7 single engine fighters in the game, And to top it off it's only got tier II upgrades so no engine mods. Lets go fight the Germans with it on Sicily. I hope you enjoy!

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System Specs:
AMD FX 6300 Six Core
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980
64Gb Ram

Big Red "Boomer" The Kangaroo, Channel Mascot Artwork designed by SemperMortem (BogRoll)
For more of his amazing work check out his Deviant Art page!

Outro music: The 126ers - Wish You'd Come True


All materials contained within this video are used with permission granted in the
War Thunder EULA.
All opinions contained in this video are solely those of the video creator "MagzTV"
and should in no way be taken as an official statement by Gaijin Entertainment.
"MagzTV" is not associated with Gaijin entertainment.
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Wish i was good at this game, i hate arcade but totally suck in RB


War Thunder - P-51: The Altitude Advantage (Lite New Player Tutorial)
1. When I am talking about side climbing in this video I am talking about aircraft with a well below average climb rate such as the P-51 or stock aircraft, Not upgraded or average to above average climb rate aircraft.
2. Spiral climbing, Box climbing, Rail climbing, Zigzag climbing are all the same thing. Climbing over a point on the map allowing you to gain altitude without moving far in any direction. Use what ever name you prefer.
3. "Your wrong because I can. . . " Shut up and read the title, This is for new players. If you have more than 500 hours in War Thunder You should already know how to do everything I describe in this video and have your own variation of it. If you can do anything then this video it not for you! This video is for those that can't.

Hope that clears everything up.


Another tip: work as a team... oh, I forgot... American teams...


Having recently gotten into this P-51, it is nice to know that it isn't ALL me doing the sucking. At one stage I would have been happier to put the 20mm's on my kittyhawk and fly THAT in the same BR.
I did do it the hard way though, I basically unlocked this and switched from arcade to realistic.
Boom and zoom, check.
Climbing like a brick, check.
Getting my silly arse owned by some 109 trop that comes from high and behind, check.

Hopefully now my new climbing technique will help with that last problem.
I do enjoy climbing up to knock out the bombers, since the 20's punch some nice holes - but trying to hit this new German flying boat (more like flying battleship) before it nukes a base is near impossible.


Also nice to know: Raise your combat flaps when climbing :) :P


Thats all well and good, but when i try to spiral climb while flying on an allied team all of my teammates are dead before i reach 15000 ft. almost without fail. I love american planes, but its just such a bummer flying with other american pilots. And it doesnt seem to get any better higher in the tech tree. Well, maybe some people will see this video and it will help matters.


This video should be perma linked in the Warthunder GUI ! Thaaankyou Magz, cant tell you how many vets try and explain this in Team chat for Sicily in particular, which can be absolutely miserable to grind for allies thanks to team naivety or just plain lemmingness wish a death wish to aspirations of being a fish in a barrel for a german pilots fast grind ;P


As soon as i got this thing, I felt like I was lied to.


I feel like Magz have read my question and decided to make a tutorial about it xD

I have pretty much all of my questions regarding the subject answered in this video. Huuuuge thank you, Magz :)


A point on what you said however:
While the whole german team could climb straight across the map to get above you, your whole team can't spiral climb as it almost requires your team-mates to bait the enemy down for you to get the altitude advantage.


i love how i played a match as this was playing and i ended up lookin for 2 109's like u were in the vid lol


This just does not happening in games. Just laziness and greed.


Recently got 4 kills in the P-51 by exploiting its high-altitude performance. Don’t understand how so many people miss its absolutely mad combat potential. But then again, 90% of American planes require oodles of patience to fly correctly.


I always climb, mostly spiral or side climbing, but it is not really effective in an american team. The 90% of them are dead after 5 mins in the game, so about 3 players (at max) have to fight for nothing vs the entire enemy team after 10mins of climbing in the game. The ally games have a duration of 7mins in average so the 19mins of this match is the exception. I really hope for newbies to watch that kind of videos so they could expand their lifespan and the lifespan and quality of the game, but I doubt that they do :(


Damn, this helped me so much overall, but especially with American planes in all modes.


Damn thier just dissing my favorite plane i was watching this for tips not for them to totally bash my plane


MagZ, would you mind doing a video like this for the vampire. I really want to enjoy flying it, but I am having a lot of trouble going up against sabres, but I am told it can do well against them. Whether or not that is true, I feel like I should be doing better than I am with it. Thanks, and have a good day.


Thanks for this Magz. Only been watching your vids for about 2 weeks now, but my RB tactics have gone way up. The way you explain everything as you do it has helped a ton, especially the elevator roll over.

Was just flying the p40 last night, trying to climb up to a ju88 that was pulling away from me, wondering how the hell Americans are supposed to hang against the bf109 flight model buffs (which I've been loving when flying as germany).


I see people talking about americans and why they never climb, Magz said it best. especially with this plane, above 10k feet it sucks, and everything will climb higher than you every single time. thats why a lot of americans stay low. if you stay low, eventually, they have to come down to stop you.


magz love your channel, ill cut to it. im about to get my first f-86(a-5)could you do a video showing what f model sarbre you wowuld choose and why thanks mate
