How to move a whole country: Tuvalu’s plan to flee rising sea levels

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While world leaders are at the G20 in Bali - their negotiating teams are still in Egypt trying to thrash out a deal over climate change.

Whatever the outcome of those talks - some countries are still facing an existential threat - like the tiny Pacific Islands that make up the nation of Tuvalu. They want the world to recognise that they will be subsumed by the waves - but while their appeals have gone unheard, they've turned to finding their own solution.
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"The people who contribute the least to climate change suffer its impact the most."


The saddest part of this is seeing such a rich and beautiful culutre lose its homeland. Even if they bring the culture with them to new places, it will never be the same :(


Why is this the first time hearing this??? I HAD TO LOOK THIS UP...why are news stations ignoring them??


I remember 20 years ago they asked for help, big oil lobbyists paid off politicians to ignore them as usual. Now this country doesn't stand a chance, if we stop carbon output this second, 100% the weather will continue to worsen for at least 8 years. It's how the planet works, and greenhouse gasses have 5 times the effect at the Arctic Circle. Air currents take a long time to travel their course.


Large corporations that contribute to climate change and developed countries that prosper off climate change should be paying for this move. They should volunteer to pay up, or be litigated or pressured into doing so. What a tragic situation.


I feel so bad that this is actually history and going to happen in my lifetime. I live in Florida, and just being able to go to the beach is a blessing. They don't want what we have at all. They don't want any part of this and are having to ask for help. There is a difference between not wanting help and then constantly begging. This is so sad. I hope climate change can be talked about more and more. We all suffer from it


It most certainly won't be just one.


' Due to Our kamikaze life styles' you can push this personal responsibility line all you want but it's a lie. Corporations are the massive contributors. The people are ready for renewables and they really couldn't care less as long as they have energy. Big oils addiction to ever increasing profit and governments ever increasing need to fund their mates is the cause of this.


It’s not because of our ‘kamikaze lifestyles’, it’s because of governments and corporations


This is sad.. 😥 Hope they will get help. Can Australia or New Zealand accommodate those people?


A naturally beautiful island...and sins! Is there a detailed story about the risk of this island's drowning?


Climate disasters hit many parts of world, most countries burdened by huge financial loss . Hence, investment in green technology is a wise solution and cost effective to mitigate the impact of climate disaster. The world leaders must bear in mind that protection the safety of people and country disasters from climate disasters are top priority to improve trust and support of people to their government.


I hope that Tuvalu is not swallowed up, we must do something to slow this down 😢


This is so terribly sad. I really hope they can find a solution to effectively relocate and keep their culture and community alive. The best of luck to them


I remember seeing the Tuvalu dancers performing at the PacFest in Guam in 2016. I hope that their homeland will be safe and that there will continue to be representatives of their country and culture for generations to come.


It's not could, it's will, Tuvalu is going to disappear and anyone who thinks 2050 or 2060 is going to be a walk in the park is delusional: the question now is how we want 2100 to look like.


There is a huge misunderstanding in the real nature of the problem that these islands are facing. It is not the rising of the rising of the ocean itself, but the compound effects of ocean acidification, which dissolves the calcium carbonate of the reef and also inhibits the ability of the coral polyps to create new calcium carbonate. For the denialists, there is a very basic chemical balance equation, first grade chemistry, that explains this phenomenon pretty well.
The other problem is coral bleaching, contamination and other issues that kill the coral and help breaking it down.

The islands are not "sinking", like some imaginary Atlantis, they are dissolving. Again, denialists: Check out the cliffs of England, even without global warming, you can see all the ingredients of what happens in these island communities but at a different scale.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to stop acidification and little can be done about global warming, except a mass catastrophe that wakes people up, finally, or else just wait until a good amount of boomers is three feet under so that the younger generations have a say in global policies. It will be already too late by then, but at least people should be able to organize in a more human way. They will have no choice anyway.


When will our World Leaders walk the talk?


This is why those protesters are so extreme in the UK. Do you really used a private jet to go to this meeting 400 private jets..


They are only 11 200 people that's a small town. All of those " leaders " can't help those people?
