Scouts Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America | Official Trailer | Netflix

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Survivors, whistleblowers and experts recount the Boy Scouts of America’s decadeslong cover-up of sexual abuse cases and its heartbreaking impact.

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Scouts Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America | Official Trailer | Netflix
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I am in this documentary and I was still shocked and saddened beyond belief when we had the survivors premiere last night. I didn't think I had any tears left until I saw myself on the screen baring my soul for the world to see, but I did. Seeing newspaper articles from 1923 about pedophiles in the Boy Scouts threw me for a loop. 100 years of denial isn't a very good look for such a revered institution. Kudos to Brian Knappenberger, Sabrina Parke and the whole production team for making such a compelling documentary. I just wish the last 45 years of my life could have been different. 96 days clean and sober today, despite the Boy Scouts of America.


Was a scout for over 10 years in France and i still consider it as the best and most formative moments of my teenage years. Feels shitty to see that some criminals may pervert that.


My heart breaks for these boys that were abused. My son wanted to be a cub scout but there were no scout leaders. My husband worked irregular shifts and lots of overtime, so I, his mom, volunteered. I was shocked at the number of parents that dropped their kids off with me, a total stranger to them, with no questions asked except when to pick them up.. Although invited to stay, and I sure could have used the help, except for one other mom, I got no takers. I did this for one year and it was a truly rewarding experience for me. My son developed other interests and so his cub scouting and mine ended. Now I am so glad I was there to watch over him and all the other boys! Parents, no matter what, please be more involved in your kids lives. You will never regret the time you spend with them.


I can’t say I’m surprised now. This documentary for sure may have been hidden for years. Thank God I, nor any of my other scout buddies experienced anything of this nature. Coming from an all black troop, I am gratefully indebted to the guardianship they took to watch over us in our adolescent and former years.
I’ll NEVER forget seeing and hearing the police come to camp on multiple occasions, now this documentary is pulling all the loose strings together for me.

Eagle Scout


Surprisingly, I had a very inappropriate Brownie leader (female). Parents have got to protect their children from adults they don't know personally.


This documentary was needed. So glad these men got to tell their story and get this off their shoulders. Parents please be more cautious of who the orgs and folks you affiliate your child with. If they don't have a rigorous background check of the adults that will be around your child, don't send them! Also be weary of just dropping your kids off to just anybody. Do your due diligence to protect your child and the environments they are in.


I just watched this documentary and I'll say this... Anyone who is a part of an organization that has to do with kids and says no to background checks and mandatory reporting, that's a major red flag.


Hearing all these stories made me realize how lucky I was that my troop didn't experience anything like that and we had good scoutmasters.


As an Eagle Scout, this will certainly be an interesting watch. My troop was thankfully devoid of any creeps or predators but it's a real tragedy that not all other troops could be so lucky. I still did deal with some bullying from older scouts during my years but that was the worst of it from my experience.


The sad thing is!?This all has been going on for generations.I just wish that it hadn’t taken SO long to get called out.😔


I was abused and didn't get a cent because I didn't want the camp getting sold. I couldn't sue the people directly either because the crimes were that sick to repeat and have my words twisted about in court. It's nightmarish thinking about all day. Every day I just want to stop remembering it.


It was great to be able to participate in this documentary. Tune in on September 6th, it's a really incredible documentary!


I was a scout in the mid 70s. This documentary has me feeling confused. Of course I feel very bad for these men who went through all this bad stuff. Yet, being a cub scout then a boy scout was one of the best thing that happened in my life. I've been working with troubled youths for a long time and getting ready to retire. I strongly feel that I wouldn't have gotten through this career if it wasn't for the the good moral things I learned as a scout. To this day I thank my mom for putting me in the scouts. I was planning on being a scout leader for my grandson but don't know if the tarnish name will make that happen. Moreover, I was an alter boy for years and that was a great experience too. Blessed.


I was a girl scout, and nothing did happen to me just I had a lovely time, and I learned loads of good things, but is sad that not all of us had the same experience, in fact, it makes me very sad that other kids had a totally contrary experience that the one I had. sad.


As a survivor of sexual assault I am saddened and outraged at this American institution that allowed this to happen. The men in this excellent documentary have no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed.
You are heroes. You should feel hurt, anger and betrayal.
You need to be in group therapy. I was for years. It really helps
To be with people who get your stories and can give genuine support.
Bless you all, love.


I was a Boy Scout around 1969 through 1971. Unfortunately I experienced being bullied by other Boy Scouts. I was not the only victim. I witnessed other boys as well. It was not the leaders, but other Boy Scouts who showed cruelty and perverse behavior. I also had some great experiences as well. It was a mixed bag. If I could go back in time, I would stand up to the bullies and stand up for other kids.


I have been in the Scouts for most of my childhood and I’m so proud of getting myself to become an Eagle Scout and a Vigil Member of the Order of the Arrow. That being said, I am appalled by what the Boys Scouts of America has done to these former scouts who were sexually assaulted, abused, and were shut out by the organization that made me the man that I am. I hope that this documentary will see the light of the BOA. I hope that these former scouts get the closure that they needed and I hope that the scoutmasters get what they deserve. Sexual assault is still sexual assault and I pray to God that these men burn in hell for what they did.


These horrible people are everywhere. Could easily make a documentary about predators in church too. Despicable :( My heart breaks for the victims.


I registered my son to the "Boys Scouts Of America" and just find this documetary. Definitely im going to register my self to volunteer. Also they're asking for backgroung check, wich makes me more confortable but for sure, never leave your kids alone.


I had quite a few friends in Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts over the years. I really hope none of them ever got hurt.
