Creation Kit (Crafting System)

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In this tutorial, I will show you how to create your own crafting system which is separate from the vanilla game crafting recipes. This tutorial will also link with my scripting tutorial series where we will take what we learn here and have the workbench build up certain sections of the home.

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Well I found the answer to my previous question: I was trying to craft an item which cannot be crafted as it is (a torch) - I found a way around and now it works :).


Hy Darkfox, I'm interested in developing or modding for Skyrim and I already know a little about the Skyrim creation kit. I'm looking for a tutorial on how to really add a simple Blender object to the Creations Kit and show it in the game.


thank you for this! very helpful! is there a way to make one of the required items return to inventory, either after the object is created or after the object is used? e.g. if i make a unique potion and table to craft it, but i want to one if the required items to be placed back in my inventory after i use the potion, or at least after i make it...??? can that be done without script???


Curious, how would you have an inventory item as a crafting station?


Trying to figure out how to add custom recipes to existing cooking. I've never used the CK, so I'm seriously at a loss.


Thanks again Darkfox for your awesome work. Is there any way that we could actually create several different objects with the "create objects" menu? I've been trying to do that, tried to use 2 keywords, each pointing to a different recipe, or 2 recipes with the same keyword - no matter what I try, I can only get to craft the 1st item and never the second one. Is there something else to set up to be able to craft multiple items at a custom station or is this just not possible in the CK?


Hi great vid, help a lot! can we also modify tabs name in the echanting station? like replace the tab "soulgem" to flower and the combinaison of the 3 element craft an item ? thanks again !


Cool, looking forward to the scripting stuff again though :)


Thanks for the post - I have been thinking about making a sewing station (for mages) that would allow for upgrades to cloth - most specifically to add the survival_warm keyword, to make them warmer. so far, I have not been able to figure out how to add a keyword (even with scripting). Although, my scripting skills are VERY basic at this point.


Hi can u help me pls :DHow i can make more crafting material menu like glass'iron steel etc. I created some new vampire armor and i want them to be showed in forge under *Vampire tab not leather thx*


I like ur music from Oblivion its epix :D


Is it possible to make new sub menus in the crafting menu like ebony or steel
but  named something like "Stone".


this was very helpful but now i need to know how to add different tabs because all i have is 'misc' and i want to delete that one and put 5 -6 tabs can anyone help :)
