Top 5 MISTAKES Beginner Investors Make In The Stock Market

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Top 5 WORST MISTAKES Investing Beginners Make


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5. Taking a chance on an investment without getting educated
There probably isn’t a rookie investor out there who doesn’t harbor the desire to get rich in a hurry — that’s one of the primary reasons why anyone starts investing in the first place. The first task of a rookie investor, is to get the greed factor under control.
There’s always the temptation to look for the latest hot stock, or that elusive “can’t-miss” investment that will juice your investment portfolio in just a few weeks or months. But no matter how convincing the argument in favor of a certain stock is, you need to avoid it like the plague.

4. Emulating a Successful Stock Investor’s Portfolio
Consider this, you read about a successful stock investor’s story, such as Warren Buffet and google his portfolio. The search results show his portfolio. You decide to buy the shares that are mentioned in his portfolio because surely if he has invested in them and made a name for himself in the stock market, then what’s wrong in imitating, right? Wrong!
This is one of the most common investing mistakes retail investors make. In order to bypass the research and homework to see the best fit for themselves, they try to copy the portfolio of a successful stock investor and invest in the same companies. This approach is faulty due to the following reasons –

3. Buying Based on Recommendations
More often than not we turn to our well-meaning friends and folks for advice on important matters in life and finance is no different. However, when it comes to stock investing, banking upon the advice of your friends and simply buying stocks that they bought is not the best way.

This doesn’t work because your risk profile and financial objectives may be starkly different from the other person and what has worked for him may not work for you.

So soak in all the information but conduct your own due diligence about the company and convince yourself thoroughly. Only when you feel your objectives align with that of the company should you go ahead and invest.

2. Expecting Zero Risk, Even When Diversified
Even if you have someone helping you and/or you are well diversified, don’t expect to have zero investing risk.
No matter how good your portfolio and decisions are, there will always be ups and downs in stock market, real estate prices, etc.
You need to understand going in that there is always a chance to lose money, have downtimes, or experience some wild markets like stock corrections or bear markets.
By coming to terms with this, sticking to your plan, and staying focused on long-term investing goals you’ll learn to avoid the “Selling low, buying high” trap.
we’ve fell into that trap, even when we knew better.

1. Not committing to a long-term investment plan
Sooner or later, you’re going to experience a bear market. That's a market that is characterized by a general decline in prices over an extended period of time. There may be times when the decline accelerates, and this can give you the impression that the bottom has fallen out of the market, and you could lose 100% of your investment.
At that point, rookie investors panic sell or dump their positions in a matter of days — or even in a single phone call.

One of them is distraction. As a new investor — perhaps not yet fully committed to investing — it’s often easy to abandon your plans and go try something else. But if you’re to become a successful investor — the kind that builds wealth over years and decades — you’re going to have to have a plan, and stick to it throughout your life.

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