Should Christians Practice Yoga?

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DESCRIPTION: How should Christians think about yoga? Is it okay to practice it? Sean briefly offers some Scriptural insights and wisdom.
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Talk to Indian Hindus about what Yoga is and how you cannot separate these named moves from the deities they represent.


I'm Indian, and I can say that most positions are specific worship of pagan gods.

Yoga technically means union between divine self (demonic) and limited self.

I don't do yoga in any form.


I personally won't touch yoga with a ten foot pole. The idea of the 1st spiritual significance comes to mind.


Thank you. Very simple with great questions for a participant to ask themselves.


Unfortunately... if Yoga is done right... it invites spirits into one’s life (speaking of my own experience). Hence I wouldn’t go for such a ‘generous’ approach. The answer is NO. But of course humans don’t like NO’s. Everyone has to figure out for themselves...
Even if it means to get in touch with unclean spirits. God bless.


Ooo yess if I could like a million times, I would!
I practice yoga in massage therapy school and outside of school for workout and mental health purposes, and for me, I specifically pray that the Holy Spirit speak to me and protect me the entire time. When my instructor says to connect to the divine, I call only on the Holy Spirit. I’ve had so many powerful and good revelations of not only peace and purpose, but healthy conviction.

I keep seeing Christians bashing the idea of other Christians doing yoga as idol worship, but I’m literally taking a practice with no inherent meaning and giving it meaning through Christ. I can, however, see how for those who have practiced yoga and directed their worship towards other gods in the past, how practicing could cause stumbling by intentional or unintentional association and letting go of leaning on the Holy Spirit in the practice. I’ve also seen some really intense negative outcomes when people aren’t praying to the Father (e.i. Feeling claustrophobic and muted). Several factors should be taken into consideration when Christians are thinking about doing yoga, their pasts with false religion associated with yoga especially.

However, if people are going to shut down yoga for themselves, I will say that it’s very difficult to find breath work and movement that calms anxiety and gets us listening. Deep, slow breathing and movement are vastly overlooked health benefits.


I saw what I feel was a really good comment on this question.
Basically: if it's called Yoga, don't do it.
If it's Yoga, it will come with a philosophy and spiritual intention of it's own.
However - there are other areas and disciplines of physical exercise that use similar, and often, exactly the same poses as those that appear on Yoga, and are physically beneficial, e.g. Pilates and other stretching. Apparently - and certainly as far as I can tell - Pilates has no spiritual component at all, and therefore seems totally neutral and safe.
So, personally, I feel if you are removing the Yoga element from the exercise, it's good to stretch your body in ways that exercise it rather than let the enemy steal our physicality from us and only use it in a negative way. Take it back n use it for good. 👍


This makes sense. I had basically come to this conclusion myself after pray and talking with another wise godly woman, but you say it much more succinctly than I could’ve articulated.


I hate answers like this. Yoga is a spiritual practice. That’s like saying, well, I’ll use tarot cards but I’ll ask God to use them to answer me instead of a demon. No. Stretching wo/getting into yoga poses is completely different. If that’s what you’re doing, then just call it stretching.


All I know is after yoga and swimming in volcanic waters in wine country I was blessed to get pregnant at 42 with one tube 20 years ago. I was working and attending church regularly then too.


I have done Yoga “moves” within the P90X program for years and have never had any knowledge of whatever its origin is. There is no religious connection for me of any kind whatsoever. Maybe a yoga class would teach that stuff but I wouldn’t pay attention.

It’s great exercise - and I am a Christian. It has no spiritual meaning at all.


I use it for exercise and balance. My intentions are pure. I’m not worshiping any gods.


It is not about Christian vs Yoga, it was and will always about Western religious Philosophy vs Eastern religious Philosophy! Other than that Sanskrit and it's literatures made it more difficult to clearfy this debate. Anyone can crack the western religious philosophy with much of understanding even if he is conservative person but dude any conservative person from western side can not crack the Eastern religious philosophy, they even did not crack the yoga philosophy yet properly, forget the whole religion. That's why like others Sean also took an easy route to escape this dabate...


When thine eye is single, thy body will be full of light. Matthew 6:22 is about yoga technique


By Francois Gautier.
*Diversity in Divinity and Unity in Spirituality.*
1) Believe in God ! - Aastik - Accepted
2) Don't believe in God ! - You're accepted as Nastik
3) You want to worship idols - please go ahead. You are a murti pujak.
4) You dont want to worship idols - no problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman.

5) You want to criticise something in our religion. Come forward. We are logical. Nyaya, Tarka etc. are core Hindu schools.
6) You want to accept beliefs as it is. Most welcome. Please go ahead with it.
7) You want to start your journey by reading Bhagvad Gita - Sure !
8) You want to start your journey by reading Upanishads - Go ahead.
9) You want to start your journey by reading Purana - Be my guest.
10) You just don't like reading Puranas or other books. No problem my dear. Go by Bhakti tradition . ( bhakti- devotion)
11) You don't like idea of Bhakti ! No problem. Do your Karma. Be a karmayogi.
12) You want to enjoy life. Very good. No problem at all. This is Charvaka Philosophy.
13) You want to abstain from all the enjoyment of life & find God - jai ho ! Be a Sadhu, an ascetic !
14) You don't like the concept of God. You believe in Nature only - Welcome. (Trees are our friends and Prakriti or nature is worthy of worship).
15) You believe in one God or Supreme Energy. Superb! Follow Advaita philosophy
16) You want a Guru. Go ahead. Receive gyaan.
17) You don't want a Guru.. Help yourself ! Meditate, Study !
18) You believe in Female energy ! Shakti is worshipped.
19) You believe that every human being is equal. Yeah! You're awesome, come on let's celebrate Hinduism!
"Vasudhaiva kutumbakam" (the world is a family)
20) You don't have time to celebrate the festival.
Don't worry. One more festival is coming! There are multiple festivals every single day of the year.
21) You are a working person. Don't have time for religion. Its okay. You will still be a Hindu.
22) You like to go to temples. Devotion is loved.
23) You don't like to go to temples - no problem. You are still a Hindu!
24) You know that Hinduism is a way of life, with considerable freedom.
25) You believe that everything has God in it. So you worship your mother, father, guru, tree, River, Prani-matra, Earth, Universe!
26) And If you don't believe that everything has GOD in it - No problems. Respect your viewpoint.
27) "Sarve jana sukhino bhavantu " (May you all live happily)
You represent this! You're free to choose, my dear Hindu!
This is exactly the essence of Hinduism, all inclusive .. That is why it has withstood the test of time inspite of repeated onslaught both from within and outside, and assimilated every good aspects from everything . That is why it is eternal !!!
There is a saying in Rigveda, the first book ever known to mankind which depicts the Hinduism philosophy in a Nutshell -" Ano bhadrah Krathavo Yanthu Vishwathah"- Let the knowledge come to us from every directions.


yoga is used to worship lord shiva so congratulations you all are on right path and ofcourse may lord shiva bless your jesus


Yoga is the union of the godess who resides in the Muladhara Chakra near the base of the spine with her husband, Lord Shiva who resides at the sahasrara chakra, which is just above the head. By using the word Yoga, you are acknowledging those two deities.


Yoga is just stretching with extra steps.


Christianity is also Eastern Religion. Is not it.?


Dr. Sean McDowell says Western Yoga for “Mental Health” is different from Eastern Yoga which involves in worshiping other Gods. Since “Mental Health” Yoga may involve learning of special physical postures, meditating, breathing techniques, and even praying with songs, Dr. McDowell’s video is flawed. See the following quotes from their respective sources about Yoga and Mental Health:

“Yoga For Mental Health
The word 'Yoga' means 'union' or 'yoke' or 'joining'. Originally, Yoga was (and is in places where it is practiced as such) a method for joining a regular imperfect human being with the divine principle, or God. You could liken it to a form of prayer which serves a similar purpose, only prayer tends to be verbal, while Yoga tends to involve action.
American Yoga then is really about one subset of Yoga proper; Hatha Yoga (or the Yoga of physical postures). Hatha Yoga is specifically concerned with the learning of special physical postures which are typically named in imitation of the way animals and structures move. Some examples include 'cat pose', 'downward-facing dog pose', 'mountain pose', 'boat pose' and 'corpse pose'.
Clear understanding of yoga.
Dear Sir,

“How can yoga exercises help get over anxiety?
Regular yoga practice can help you stay calm and relaxed in daily life and can also give you the strength to face events as they come without getting restless. Yoga practice ideally includes the complete package of asanas (body postures), pranayamas (breathing techniques), meditation, and the ancient yoga philosophy, all of which has helped several anxiety patients recover and face life with new positivity and strength.
5: Pray, keep faith and smile!

“Best Types of Yoga for Anxiety and Depression
You have to do yoga to overcome anxiety.
Yoga is great for helping treat depression.
For years, we’ve these two statements repeated time and time again. From medical staff to professional yoga teachers, to family and friends, everyone recommends yoga for mental health. So, we decided to finally try out the best types of yoga for anxiety and depression, and all we have to say is, we wish we didn’t wait so long.
What is yoga? ………Yoga combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation for a thorough, head-to-toe, internal and external workout.
How does yoga help with anxiety and depression?

For a Bible believing and born-again Christian, isn’t God is the best source for mental health? Stress, anxiety, and depression are not outside the healing power of God through the work of the Holy Spirit by praying and meditating upon the Word of God. Why do Christians seek help from Yoga? It activities physically and mentally represents a divine union with Hindu gods through special physical postures, mediating, breathing techniques, even praying with devotional songs (chanting and or singing bhajans).

Dr. Sean McDowell’s view on Yoga and the video about the practices of Western Yoga is flawed. He should have quoted the following Bible verses from 1 Cor. 10:18-24 “18 Look at the nation Israel; are not those who eat the sacrifices sharers in the altar? 19 What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20 No, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons. 21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. 22 Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? We are not stronger than He, are we? 23 All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify. 24 Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor.” (NASB)

See Mr. Haniel Rameshbabu and Mr. Gary Smith’s comments previously.
