Using Selenium and AI to Create Test Cases

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Artificial Intelligence is just starting its introduction into software quality assurance, and is most often, misunderstood in regards to the full capabilities the different kinds of artificial intelligence can bring into your quality strategy. In this Webinar we will be discussing Reinforcement Learning, and its ability to automatically discover features in isolation as well as workflows using more than a single feature in your application under test. Then, while cycling test data into these features and workflows, we will thoroughly test the features and workflows with a known, extremely high, test coverage. Afterall, if you don’t know what your test coverage is (Note: Test Coverage is NOT the same thing as Code Coverage) then you don’t understand what quality you are assuring. We will also discuss using hierarchical, weight based, collapsible dendrograms for a visual presentation of the features and workflows possible within an application. These topics are complex, however, we will get through them and each person in attendance will gain a working understanding of these concepts with real direction and guidance allowing you to use these methods as part of your quality strategy.
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I would like to have a step by step courses to reach that level of knowledge. Do you have a specific platform to share those courses? Thanks for sharing, I'll keep my eyes in your new videos. Regards


Travor bhai, areyou from GTA5. Are you Michael's friend?


Did not like the presentation. Actually, I think it is a waste of time. What was shown here, is a very simplistic application of reinforcement learning and a video of a website under test that contains a single form (with fields called Numeric field 1..n 😆). None of the following issues were addressed: 1. Performance (I can't believe headless was mentioned as a solution for this problem. Headless will not make your application run significantly faster. There are still requests for the DB and similar that the test has to wait for). 2. Complexity of a real life project (many actions in a webapp are only available if you signed up a certain way or have permission for some resource or some actions require previous state) 3. Reporting (how do you report to management the findings of your test. How do you report it to the developers?)

I am not discounting the topic as a whole, I am just saying, that the presentation will not be of much help.
